"Civilization and Its Discontent", written almost 80 years ago (in 1929) by Sigmund Freud.
This is the first book by Freud that I've read. The basic idea in this book is the understanding of culture as a tool to neutralize aggression. But seriously, I can't really grasp his arguments... yet... so maybe I should start reading his first books and go down chronologically, and maybe then I would get a better idea of what he was advocating..
I got interested in Freud's theories after watching a 2002 BBS documentary, "The Century of the Self" where according to the director of this documentary, Adam Curtis, ".. is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy."
There are several quotes that I found to be quite interesting and thought-provoking in this book..
"One feels inclined to say that the intention that man should be 'happy' is not included in the plan of 'Creation'."
"The question of the purpose of human life has been raised countless times; it has never received a satisfactory answer and perhaps does not admit of one."
"Civilization, therefore, obtains mastery over the individual's dangerous desire for aggression by weakening and disarming it and by setting up an agency within him to watch over it, like a garrison in a conquered city."
“It regards reality as the sole enemy and as the source of all suffering, with which it is impossible to live, so that one must break off all relations with it if one is to be in any way happy. The hermit turns his back on the world and will have no truck with it. But one can do more than that; one can try to re-create the world, to build up in its stead another world in which its most unbearable features are eliminated and replaced by others that are in conformity with one‘s own wishes. But whoever, in desperate defiance, sets out upon this path to happiness will as a rule attain nothing. Reality is too strong for him. He becomes a madman, who for the most part finds no one to help him in carrying through his delusion. It is asserted, however, that each one of us behaves in some respect like a paranoiac, corrects some aspect of the world which is unbearable to him by the construction of a wish and introduces this delusion into reality. A special importance attaches to the case in which this attempt to procure a certainty of happiness and a protection against suffering through a delusional remolding of reality is made by a considerable number of people in common. The religions of mankind must be classed among the mass-delusions of this kind. No one, needless to say, who shares a delusion ever recognizes it as such.”
There are frequent mentioning of 'ego', 'super-ego', 'death drive', 'death instinct', 'sublimation' and many more terms in the book.. which I have problem grasping.. I think I shall re-read this book when I have read and understood Freud's earlier works.. Hopefully the Central Library has all his books..
"tells you the story of who I am..
so many stories of where I've been..
and how I got to where I am.."
Oct 30, 2007
上个星期,浦野教授叫大家想象20年后的世界资讯进展,交上一篇报告。今天在班上有三位同学做了presentation。其中一名是来自马国政府的巫族女同学。她所写的20年期望是以未来的马国为出发点,在报告中提出了许多期待及看法。但是听了她的presentation之后,我觉得自己是不是太刁难务实,还是她太天真了。。 :x 为什么呢?让我一一解说吧!
首先,我认为她所提出来的期待并不需要等20年,因为这些都是现在立刻就可以实现的。。比方说,她希望马国不再因为连日的大雨而水灾连连;她希望国家拥有完善的公共交通系统;她希望人们无需在toll station停下缴交通行费;她希望能更全面地利用现有的电子身份证等等。。这一切都能在一两年内变成现实,只要当今政府有心思地认真地去实行。
接下来,她说希望马国能乘胜追击,利用不久前成功把国人送上太空的事实,进一步地研发及探讨太空的奥秘并且向月球进攻!太天真了。。我们花了2千5百万美金搭了俄罗斯的顺风太空船罢了!! 老实说花钱上太空有什么好骄傲的??世界上已经有好几位太空旅客了。。那笔巨款如果拿来帮助没钱上学,没钱买书的学生不是更有意义吗??为什么我们老是爱打肿脸充胖子呢??
也许我太尖酸刻薄了,也许我太鄙视自己的国家了,但是如果国人和政府还不赶快睁大眼睛看清楚这个世界,然后再回头反省督促改善自己,那么数年后,马国很有可能会被许多(现在的)发展中国家远远地抛在后头。。越南、柬埔寨、印尼、好几个南美州国家的经济都已经开始大步起跑了。曾几何时人们把马国与台湾、香港、韩国相提并论,并放在同一个高峰,但是现在呢?我们连连失去了大笔的外资,处处受到中国和印度的竞争压力,三不五时地遭受层出不穷的贪污和滥用职权的丑闻困扰。。 听了看了,除了心痛还是只有心痛。。
也许我很自私,我不会牺牲小我来成全大我。我会很现实地往“钱”和“机会”看齐。哪里有机会让我发挥让我超越自我,或是哪里给的钱多,我就去哪里。我不会为了其他“伟大”的理由而委屈自己。。 我不想当个伟人。当然我有我的想法,也希望他人能认同我的想法,但我不会为了要他人认同而做些自己不认同的事物。。所以对于马国的情况,我只会从远处关心而不会拿自己来当赌注,因为没有人能赔偿得了我的损失。。
首先,我认为她所提出来的期待并不需要等20年,因为这些都是现在立刻就可以实现的。。比方说,她希望马国不再因为连日的大雨而水灾连连;她希望国家拥有完善的公共交通系统;她希望人们无需在toll station停下缴交通行费;她希望能更全面地利用现有的电子身份证等等。。这一切都能在一两年内变成现实,只要当今政府有心思地认真地去实行。
接下来,她说希望马国能乘胜追击,利用不久前成功把国人送上太空的事实,进一步地研发及探讨太空的奥秘并且向月球进攻!太天真了。。我们花了2千5百万美金搭了俄罗斯的顺风太空船罢了!! 老实说花钱上太空有什么好骄傲的??世界上已经有好几位太空旅客了。。那笔巨款如果拿来帮助没钱上学,没钱买书的学生不是更有意义吗??为什么我们老是爱打肿脸充胖子呢??
也许我太尖酸刻薄了,也许我太鄙视自己的国家了,但是如果国人和政府还不赶快睁大眼睛看清楚这个世界,然后再回头反省督促改善自己,那么数年后,马国很有可能会被许多(现在的)发展中国家远远地抛在后头。。越南、柬埔寨、印尼、好几个南美州国家的经济都已经开始大步起跑了。曾几何时人们把马国与台湾、香港、韩国相提并论,并放在同一个高峰,但是现在呢?我们连连失去了大笔的外资,处处受到中国和印度的竞争压力,三不五时地遭受层出不穷的贪污和滥用职权的丑闻困扰。。 听了看了,除了心痛还是只有心痛。。
也许我很自私,我不会牺牲小我来成全大我。我会很现实地往“钱”和“机会”看齐。哪里有机会让我发挥让我超越自我,或是哪里给的钱多,我就去哪里。我不会为了其他“伟大”的理由而委屈自己。。 我不想当个伟人。当然我有我的想法,也希望他人能认同我的想法,但我不会为了要他人认同而做些自己不认同的事物。。所以对于马国的情况,我只会从远处关心而不会拿自己来当赌注,因为没有人能赔偿得了我的损失。。
Oct 29, 2007
H.P. and the Deadly Hallows
Finished the last installation of Harry Porter last Thursday..
As I have said in my earlier post, found JK Rowling's latest book in Basement 2 of the Central Library.. Didn't expect the University to have many English books, much less the latest fiction books..
Book No.7 was a well-written conclusion of the Harry Porter saga.. She kinda tied all the loose ends and gave a solid finale to the series.. As this is a make-believe world, she gave very credible explanations and logical reasonings for the things that she wrote into her books.. She really edged the world of magic, wizardry and chivalrous into the hearts and minds of her readers..
I truly enjoyed the book... just like all her previous 6 books.. This is definitely one book collection that I would want to have in my personal library.. :)
Spoiler: Harry didn't die.. neither did Ron nor Hermione... ;)
As I have said in my earlier post, found JK Rowling's latest book in Basement 2 of the Central Library.. Didn't expect the University to have many English books, much less the latest fiction books..
Book No.7 was a well-written conclusion of the Harry Porter saga.. She kinda tied all the loose ends and gave a solid finale to the series.. As this is a make-believe world, she gave very credible explanations and logical reasonings for the things that she wrote into her books.. She really edged the world of magic, wizardry and chivalrous into the hearts and minds of her readers..
I truly enjoyed the book... just like all her previous 6 books.. This is definitely one book collection that I would want to have in my personal library.. :)
Spoiler: Harry didn't die.. neither did Ron nor Hermione... ;)
Oct 27, 2007
The Question of God
This was a 4-hour documentary produced by PBS, chaired by Dr Armand Nicholi discussing the existence of God based on the lives and thoughts of C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud..
It was a thought provoking documentary to say the least.. Personally, I tend to side with Freud.. Although I do believe there is someONE up there, I don't think we have to keep mentioning HIS/HER name every time we wanna do anything, nor should we attribute EVERYTHING (good or bad) that has happened to us, to our family and to this world to HIM/HER. We are given choices to make in our lives and we have to live with the consequences that come with them.. I would not run to HIM/HER for every little thing/obstacle/question nor would I use prayers as a substitute for hard work or logical thinking.. Maybe all this have to do with my upbringing and my character.
The main 'dilemma' for me is this: Let's say I don't believe or I believed in the 'wrong' God, and in the end (judgment day or whatever), I am on the 'wrong' or 'losing' side, will I still be banished to Hell or not being able to go to Heaven, even though I had been a good person all my life?? To me this is not fair.. that's what is preventing me from believing in Christianity or Catholicism.. not that I had believed in them in the first place.. According to what little I understand, as long as one receive Jesus or God into their hearts, they are saved, even though they might be a bad person their whole lives.. To me that is VERY UNFAIR.. Like what was discussed in the documentary, this is like placing a bet.. betting on the right side (aka believe the right God) will give one salvation and eternal life after death.. If you bet on the wrong side, then you will be damned...
I really despise those who invoke their God's name in every single thing they do or behave as if they are much superior beings just because they believed in their God(s).. they like to pay lip-service to their God(s).. To me, action speaks louder.. What is the point of quoting HIS/HER name and yet do horrible things to fellow human beings?? you think HE/HER up there is so gullible to be taken by all these praises and good words?? If one do horrible things and yet is able to 'sweet-talk' one's way to HIS/HER good books, then I don't want to believe in that God..
So for me, Buddhism seems to be fairer.. One reaps what one sow and what goes around comes around, and you don't even have to believe in Buddha.. Your good deeds will be weight against your bad ones.. One will still get punished for the bad deeds, but after that one is rewarded for the good ones done.. To me, this is like having a point system that records all the good and bad things done, regardless of who is checking at the end of the day..
I really admired how Freud faces death during his last days.. he didn't turn to any religion, he didn't seek solace in any religion and he kept living to the fullest even when his cancer was causing him tremendous pain.. He was an atheist thorough and thorough even though he was brought up in very religious family (Judaism).. His courage speaks volumes! In my opinion, he was a brave man to the end.. I hope I would be half as courageous as he was when my time comes..
More information on this documentary.
It was a thought provoking documentary to say the least.. Personally, I tend to side with Freud.. Although I do believe there is someONE up there, I don't think we have to keep mentioning HIS/HER name every time we wanna do anything, nor should we attribute EVERYTHING (good or bad) that has happened to us, to our family and to this world to HIM/HER. We are given choices to make in our lives and we have to live with the consequences that come with them.. I would not run to HIM/HER for every little thing/obstacle/question nor would I use prayers as a substitute for hard work or logical thinking.. Maybe all this have to do with my upbringing and my character.
The main 'dilemma' for me is this: Let's say I don't believe or I believed in the 'wrong' God, and in the end (judgment day or whatever), I am on the 'wrong' or 'losing' side, will I still be banished to Hell or not being able to go to Heaven, even though I had been a good person all my life?? To me this is not fair.. that's what is preventing me from believing in Christianity or Catholicism.. not that I had believed in them in the first place.. According to what little I understand, as long as one receive Jesus or God into their hearts, they are saved, even though they might be a bad person their whole lives.. To me that is VERY UNFAIR.. Like what was discussed in the documentary, this is like placing a bet.. betting on the right side (aka believe the right God) will give one salvation and eternal life after death.. If you bet on the wrong side, then you will be damned...
I really despise those who invoke their God's name in every single thing they do or behave as if they are much superior beings just because they believed in their God(s).. they like to pay lip-service to their God(s).. To me, action speaks louder.. What is the point of quoting HIS/HER name and yet do horrible things to fellow human beings?? you think HE/HER up there is so gullible to be taken by all these praises and good words?? If one do horrible things and yet is able to 'sweet-talk' one's way to HIS/HER good books, then I don't want to believe in that God..
So for me, Buddhism seems to be fairer.. One reaps what one sow and what goes around comes around, and you don't even have to believe in Buddha.. Your good deeds will be weight against your bad ones.. One will still get punished for the bad deeds, but after that one is rewarded for the good ones done.. To me, this is like having a point system that records all the good and bad things done, regardless of who is checking at the end of the day..
I really admired how Freud faces death during his last days.. he didn't turn to any religion, he didn't seek solace in any religion and he kept living to the fullest even when his cancer was causing him tremendous pain.. He was an atheist thorough and thorough even though he was brought up in very religious family (Judaism).. His courage speaks volumes! In my opinion, he was a brave man to the end.. I hope I would be half as courageous as he was when my time comes..
More information on this documentary.
That is the name of the typhoon that is hitting Japan right now.. It has not stopped raining since yesterday afternoon.. The weather outside is between 17 to 14 degrees, with the wind and rain.. :o
Completed two translation jobs today.. was listening to classical music while doing it.. The strong wind was howling and gusting into my room through the tiny winy little gap I left between the windows and the rain was beating against them too.. And in this kind of atmosphere, listening to classical music is quite an experience.. :) Listening to Beethoven's 5th Symphony 1st Movement, Tchaikovsky's Concerto No.1 in B-Flat or Bach's Cello Suite 1 with the wind and rain beating away outside my window is quite something.. It adds to the whole majestic kinda of feeling.. :p
The day is getting shorter.. The sun is out for only about 5-6 hours a day.. Darkness creeps in from 5:30pm onwards..by 6pm, it is as dark as it can possibly can be.. The day stays in the range of 20 degrees or lower.. Personally, between the rain and the wind, I would take the wind.. being cold is bad enough, I don't need the wetness to add onto the misery.. And it is no fun carrying an (wet) umbrella in a packed train during rush hour..
Anyway, according to the weather station, the rain should stop by tomorrow morning.. well, let's see how accurate is its forecast.. ;)
Completed two translation jobs today.. was listening to classical music while doing it.. The strong wind was howling and gusting into my room through the tiny winy little gap I left between the windows and the rain was beating against them too.. And in this kind of atmosphere, listening to classical music is quite an experience.. :) Listening to Beethoven's 5th Symphony 1st Movement, Tchaikovsky's Concerto No.1 in B-Flat or Bach's Cello Suite 1 with the wind and rain beating away outside my window is quite something.. It adds to the whole majestic kinda of feeling.. :p
The day is getting shorter.. The sun is out for only about 5-6 hours a day.. Darkness creeps in from 5:30pm onwards..by 6pm, it is as dark as it can possibly can be.. The day stays in the range of 20 degrees or lower.. Personally, between the rain and the wind, I would take the wind.. being cold is bad enough, I don't need the wetness to add onto the misery.. And it is no fun carrying an (wet) umbrella in a packed train during rush hour..
Anyway, according to the weather station, the rain should stop by tomorrow morning.. well, let's see how accurate is its forecast.. ;)
Survivor China
I am a fan of the show since it started in 2000.. although I did missed a couple of the seasons in between.. This is the 15th season of this reality show and it doesn't fail to amaze me.. Up to today, 6 episodes of this season have been shown and I've watched all of them.. :)

This time it is being held in JiangXi, China.. except for the 'exotic'-ness of the location, the game is still the same.. survive 39 days in the outdoors with 15 strangers and try to outwit, outlast and outplay them.. and people just don't seem to learn from all the past seasons.. :x
There are always those who are just being themselves (ie, being difficult, being obnoxious, being rude, being lazy, etc) and those who came into the game saying that they 'had no idea that it is so tough'??!! Helloo!! This is Survivor! Not some summer camp at outward bound school or some picnic in the country side.. It never fails to amaze me that the contestants never bothered to learn some basic things that are crucial to the game.. Things like starting a fire, fishing, swimming, using a machete, etc.. And people would even wear a dress!! wow.. they think this is a beauty pageant or a cocktail party??? As always there will be people who over-strategize, those who just lie low under the radar, those who rides the coat-tail of others, and of course those who annoys everyone in the tribe.
And also there bound to be people in the game who love to say things like: "I am not going to play the game ", "I'm not going to go against my principles/religion/whatever to get ahead" and "I am not going to lie/scheme/back-stab/play both sides in this game".. Then the question I wanna ask them is "Why the hell they sign up Survivor for??!!" This is THE game that requires you to do all the backroom maneuvering, strategizing, back-stabbing, lying to one's face and/or lying behind one's back you can to get your hands on that USD 1 million dollars!!
Maybe that's why it is still interesting to watch the show.. cos people just never learn..

This time it is being held in JiangXi, China.. except for the 'exotic'-ness of the location, the game is still the same.. survive 39 days in the outdoors with 15 strangers and try to outwit, outlast and outplay them.. and people just don't seem to learn from all the past seasons.. :x
There are always those who are just being themselves (ie, being difficult, being obnoxious, being rude, being lazy, etc) and those who came into the game saying that they 'had no idea that it is so tough'??!! Helloo!! This is Survivor! Not some summer camp at outward bound school or some picnic in the country side.. It never fails to amaze me that the contestants never bothered to learn some basic things that are crucial to the game.. Things like starting a fire, fishing, swimming, using a machete, etc.. And people would even wear a dress!! wow.. they think this is a beauty pageant or a cocktail party??? As always there will be people who over-strategize, those who just lie low under the radar, those who rides the coat-tail of others, and of course those who annoys everyone in the tribe.
And also there bound to be people in the game who love to say things like: "I am not going to play the game ", "I'm not going to go against my principles/religion/whatever to get ahead" and "I am not going to lie/scheme/back-stab/play both sides in this game".. Then the question I wanna ask them is "Why the hell they sign up Survivor for??!!" This is THE game that requires you to do all the backroom maneuvering, strategizing, back-stabbing, lying to one's face and/or lying behind one's back you can to get your hands on that USD 1 million dollars!!
Maybe that's why it is still interesting to watch the show.. cos people just never learn..
Oct 23, 2007
After so many trips to the Central Library at the Nishi-Waseda campus, only today have I 'found' the English and Chinese fiction section!! :p
All the fiction books are 'hidden' at the Basement 1 and Basement 2.. To go there, you have to go through a counter that will check your student ID and then give your a name tag to identify you as a undergrad, postgrad, researcher or teaching stuff of Waseda.. And one can't bring along one's bag.. only notebooks are allowed in..
Although there are rows and rows of really old and precious looking books which must be preserved well, some of them are actually fictions. That is something I do not quite understand.. I thought fictions should be placed at areas where there are high human traffics??!! :x
But anyway, I am not complaining.. cos I found "Harry Porter and the Deadly Hallows" there!! :D So I borrowed it.. :) It has been a loonngg time since I've read any books after arriving in Japan.. It was sooo difficult to find English or Chinese books here for leisure reading... Better late than never.. I shall scour those 2 floors for more interesting books.. Okay, I shall get back to my book.. I can't wait to finish reading the concluding chapter of this boy wizard.. It's getting really interesting.. :)
All the fiction books are 'hidden' at the Basement 1 and Basement 2.. To go there, you have to go through a counter that will check your student ID and then give your a name tag to identify you as a undergrad, postgrad, researcher or teaching stuff of Waseda.. And one can't bring along one's bag.. only notebooks are allowed in..
Although there are rows and rows of really old and precious looking books which must be preserved well, some of them are actually fictions. That is something I do not quite understand.. I thought fictions should be placed at areas where there are high human traffics??!! :x
But anyway, I am not complaining.. cos I found "Harry Porter and the Deadly Hallows" there!! :D So I borrowed it.. :) It has been a loonngg time since I've read any books after arriving in Japan.. It was sooo difficult to find English or Chinese books here for leisure reading... Better late than never.. I shall scour those 2 floors for more interesting books.. Okay, I shall get back to my book.. I can't wait to finish reading the concluding chapter of this boy wizard.. It's getting really interesting.. :)
Oct 21, 2007
Happy 125th Birthday Waseda!
Today is Waseda University's 125th Anniversary..
There were lots of activities scheduled in the campus today.. Yet I didn't attend. Why you might asked. Well, I don't know.. maybe it's laziness, maybe it's indifference, maybe..... Most probably it's due to the fact that I've yet to develop a strong attachment to the Uni.. I will not do something if I don't feel that I could gain anything from it.. call me selfish, but that's the main concern for me.. I rather spend my time doing things that will gratify me (especially in terms of knowledge or spiritual growth) than use that time on something that others think I 'should/supposed to' do...
So far, I began to have some sense of attachment to my research lab and my graduate school.. maybe it will take a few more months to really feel the connection to Waseda, what it meant to be a part of it... This is similar to the 'evolution of feelings' when I first went to NUS.. First I identified myself more closely to Eusoff Hall then my own faculty, cos I spent almost 80% of my time in my hostel.. Then slowly, the sense of attachment grew to include NUS..
I always need time to feel "included" or being a part of some organisation.. I'm those whom people called 慢热 (can be translated as "slow to warm up"). Unlike those who could talked/behaved as if they are your best friends from the very beginning, I need time to warm up and open up..
Anyway, "Happy Birthday, Waseda Uni!!". May there be more 125years ahead for you! :)
There were lots of activities scheduled in the campus today.. Yet I didn't attend. Why you might asked. Well, I don't know.. maybe it's laziness, maybe it's indifference, maybe..... Most probably it's due to the fact that I've yet to develop a strong attachment to the Uni.. I will not do something if I don't feel that I could gain anything from it.. call me selfish, but that's the main concern for me.. I rather spend my time doing things that will gratify me (especially in terms of knowledge or spiritual growth) than use that time on something that others think I 'should/supposed to' do...
So far, I began to have some sense of attachment to my research lab and my graduate school.. maybe it will take a few more months to really feel the connection to Waseda, what it meant to be a part of it... This is similar to the 'evolution of feelings' when I first went to NUS.. First I identified myself more closely to Eusoff Hall then my own faculty, cos I spent almost 80% of my time in my hostel.. Then slowly, the sense of attachment grew to include NUS..
I always need time to feel "included" or being a part of some organisation.. I'm those whom people called 慢热 (can be translated as "slow to warm up"). Unlike those who could talked/behaved as if they are your best friends from the very beginning, I need time to warm up and open up..
Anyway, "Happy Birthday, Waseda Uni!!". May there be more 125years ahead for you! :)
Oct 19, 2007
Come on... let's swear more at work!!
According to researchers at the University of East Anglia in the eastern English city of Norwich, "regular use of profanity can express and reinforce solidarity among staff, enabling them to express feelings such as frustration, and develop social relationships."
WOW! There are people out there who actually do such research??!! Good for them I would say... Why? Cos I am quite a believer of swearing.. ;)
Oh no, don't get me wrong... I don't mean mindless swearing nor do I approve of one beginning/ending each sentence spoken with a vulgarity.. What I meant is that if you are pissed off, swear it out (loud or just audible to yourself).. Suppressing frustration or anger by pretending nothing had happened is bad to your own health. Of course, you can delay the swearing if you are in an unsuitable situation to swear out loudly immediately..
But I think everyone who has worked before would agree that whenever a couple of us (colleagues) sit down together/meet up, either for breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner or supper, whenever we talk about our bosses and/or our jobs, we all have our complaints and frustrations to curse and swear about. It really does "enhanced" the sense of camaraderies between us because we know that we are not alone in feeling that particular way.. It also shows that the other person(s) shares the same view/fate/frustration/etc with us.. it is this sharing of common 'experience' that builds solidarity among colleagues.. it is like the mentality of 'us' against 'them'..
And I must admit I missed those days in my last company where Handy would have his 'parliament sessions'.. :) We used to just crowd around at the back of Command Center and talk nonsense for a while (sometimes for 2 hours straight :p ).. All of us, from the Server Team to the Application Team would just 'condemn/criticize/crucify' our bosses and/or bosses' boss/etc.. No one in the management was spared from the 'debates' of our 'parliament sessions'.. Then just as how it had started, it would 'dissolved' almost unanimously. Everyone would go back to their work station, maybe not happily but at least satisfied, knowing that they are not alone in feeling frustrated/pissed. Everyone was on the same boat and everyone was more than happy to share the workload so that everyone can go home on time.. There was no back-stabbing, no jocking for positions and definitely no free-riding within the team. Everyone pulled their weight, did their part and helped the others. That was the sense of camaraderie that I liked.. That was the kind of bond that I would like to be a part of.. where 'One for All and All for One' really rang true...
Thus I would say that the last 3 years in that M.N.C. was one of the highlights of my professional life so far.. Thanks Edmund, Daniel, Henny and Fitri... It was really my pleasure and good fortune to have had the chance to work with you guys/gals in the OSPS team.. And same to Jeff, Handy, Allan, Bernard and Johnson, our team won't be able to do much without the server team.. we were all in the same boat and we all made very sure that we don't sink with it.... :)
WOW! There are people out there who actually do such research??!! Good for them I would say... Why? Cos I am quite a believer of swearing.. ;)
Oh no, don't get me wrong... I don't mean mindless swearing nor do I approve of one beginning/ending each sentence spoken with a vulgarity.. What I meant is that if you are pissed off, swear it out (loud or just audible to yourself).. Suppressing frustration or anger by pretending nothing had happened is bad to your own health. Of course, you can delay the swearing if you are in an unsuitable situation to swear out loudly immediately..
But I think everyone who has worked before would agree that whenever a couple of us (colleagues) sit down together/meet up, either for breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner or supper, whenever we talk about our bosses and/or our jobs, we all have our complaints and frustrations to curse and swear about. It really does "enhanced" the sense of camaraderies between us because we know that we are not alone in feeling that particular way.. It also shows that the other person(s) shares the same view/fate/frustration/etc with us.. it is this sharing of common 'experience' that builds solidarity among colleagues.. it is like the mentality of 'us' against 'them'..
And I must admit I missed those days in my last company where Handy would have his 'parliament sessions'.. :) We used to just crowd around at the back of Command Center and talk nonsense for a while (sometimes for 2 hours straight :p ).. All of us, from the Server Team to the Application Team would just 'condemn/criticize/crucify' our bosses and/or bosses' boss/etc.. No one in the management was spared from the 'debates' of our 'parliament sessions'.. Then just as how it had started, it would 'dissolved' almost unanimously. Everyone would go back to their work station, maybe not happily but at least satisfied, knowing that they are not alone in feeling frustrated/pissed. Everyone was on the same boat and everyone was more than happy to share the workload so that everyone can go home on time.. There was no back-stabbing, no jocking for positions and definitely no free-riding within the team. Everyone pulled their weight, did their part and helped the others. That was the sense of camaraderie that I liked.. That was the kind of bond that I would like to be a part of.. where 'One for All and All for One' really rang true...
Thus I would say that the last 3 years in that M.N.C. was one of the highlights of my professional life so far.. Thanks Edmund, Daniel, Henny and Fitri... It was really my pleasure and good fortune to have had the chance to work with you guys/gals in the OSPS team.. And same to Jeff, Handy, Allan, Bernard and Johnson, our team won't be able to do much without the server team.. we were all in the same boat and we all made very sure that we don't sink with it.... :)
Oct 17, 2007
Officially Purple belt..
:) :) :)
Got the certificate stating that I've passed the karate promotion exam last month..

However, the purple belt has yet to be given out, thus I'm still wearing the white one for the past few weeks..
With the promotion exam happening only 2 to 3 times a year, I do not foresee myself reaching even brown belt... There are 3 sub-levels within a colored belt. Purple belt (9-kyu -> 8-kyu -> 7-kyu) -> Green belt (6-kyu -> 5-kyu -> 4-kyu) -> Brown belt (3-kyu -> 2-kyu -> 1-kyu) -> Black belt... I'm currently in 9-kyu and to change from purple to green, I have to pass 2 more exams.. :(
So with 'only' 2 more years in Japan (at least that's what I think, for now), I could only take 4-5 more exams, making the brown belt unreachable.. :8
But it's okay.. I had been having a good workout every week and (I think) my weight has been slowly dropping.. The stretches that we do every week is very good.. think I'm more flexible and slightly toned than before.. :p :p So not too bad for a beginner in her early thirties.. hahahahaha...
Got the certificate stating that I've passed the karate promotion exam last month..

However, the purple belt has yet to be given out, thus I'm still wearing the white one for the past few weeks..
With the promotion exam happening only 2 to 3 times a year, I do not foresee myself reaching even brown belt... There are 3 sub-levels within a colored belt. Purple belt (9-kyu -> 8-kyu -> 7-kyu) -> Green belt (6-kyu -> 5-kyu -> 4-kyu) -> Brown belt (3-kyu -> 2-kyu -> 1-kyu) -> Black belt... I'm currently in 9-kyu and to change from purple to green, I have to pass 2 more exams.. :(
So with 'only' 2 more years in Japan (at least that's what I think, for now), I could only take 4-5 more exams, making the brown belt unreachable.. :8
But it's okay.. I had been having a good workout every week and (I think) my weight has been slowly dropping.. The stretches that we do every week is very good.. think I'm more flexible and slightly toned than before.. :p :p So not too bad for a beginner in her early thirties.. hahahahaha...
Autumn is here..
and how could I not know it...
Last month was still hot and stuffy, with the mercury rising to 28-26 degrees Celsius.. yet this month onwards, the temperature is hovering between 22-18 degrees, and sometimes with the wind and rain, it might dropped till 15 degree!!
Those who knew me well would know that I dislike cold weather.. :x I even complained about the office temperature when it went under 23 degree!! Now I can't do anything about the weather here.. :( :( except to wear longer and more layers of clothes.. My nose has been acting up quite frequently and I have not yet figure out how to keep it from "running"..
Looks like I would need to fork out a small fortune to equip myself with long-sleeves, jackets, sweaters and coats.. Here the people wear more than 1 layer of clothings, instead of 1 thick clothes.. Why? cos while indoors, with the heater on, it would be too hot with the jacket/sweater/coat on.. For someone who don't really care much about dressing up, it poses a big headache.. especially the matching of colors and whatever.. For me, comfortability is the main concern and in the tropics a nicely designed shirt/blouse will do, but in the temperate countries, one has to make sure that the blouse, outer-wear, jacket/coat matches with one's pants and shoes!!! :x
In the end, I decided... To the heck with what other thinks! As long as I'm neat, tidy and comfortable, I don't give a damn if what I'm wearing clashes or whatever.. It is all about the issue of perspectives and social norm.. Since I'm not Japanese, I will not conform to what the Japanese society expects. As long as I don't go against it too much and give it due respect, I think I can get away with it.. since I am a foreigner!! :p :p
Sometimes I wonder how big one's wardrobe has to be in temperate countries with 4 seasons.. Imagine wearing at least 3 different sets of clothes during hot (summer), cool (spring and early autumn) and cold (end autumn to winter) weathers.. No wonder shopping become the national past-time for ladies!! Especially in Japan, when one's appearance takes precedence (aka the main consideration) in almost every aspect of life here.. People are 'obsessed' with what their friends or colleagues wear and it most probably will becomes a topic of gossip or judgment! This is one more reason that I am reluctant to consider working here.. I want to spend my time and energy thinking of ways to improve (myself, my team, my dept, etc) and contribute to the company, and not to worry about what I should wear and in the end, being pre-judged and discriminated against due to my lack of 'fashionable dress sense'.. So what if I wear the same sets of clothes whole year round? I am NOT defined by what I wear, what's inside is more important as a differentiator than what is outside! Maybe it's because there is nothing much inside that one has to try to compensate by wearing something that would make them stand out!!
I'm not against people who wants to dress up, but please do it to show your good features and hide/camouflage the bad ones.... Sometimes it's an eye-sore looking at 'dumplings' (aka ladies who like to wear tight shirt/blouse/jeans/pants that would just 'showcase' their fats! Sometimes one just can't pity that piece of clothing that is trying it's best to hold everything together), 'fake blonds' (aka people who used at least half a gallon of bleach to take out their natural hair color, which is black, and turned themselves into blonds! But Asians with blond hair are just plain weird-looking..), 'Marge Simpson' (aka ladies with hair that are either the leaning tower of Pisa, a bee hive or just one big mess!) and 'Metrosexual-gone-astray' (aka guys who cant decide if they want to remain as guys or become girls. With the amount of make-up, grooming or whatever they are doing, they definitely put me to shame. And the way they carry themselves is soooooo gay!)...
But again, I strongly believed that everyone has their rights to dress as they like, so I think I would just close my eyes whenever I see any of them or look at them as one of the 'quaint exhibit' on display.... :p :p
Last month was still hot and stuffy, with the mercury rising to 28-26 degrees Celsius.. yet this month onwards, the temperature is hovering between 22-18 degrees, and sometimes with the wind and rain, it might dropped till 15 degree!!
Those who knew me well would know that I dislike cold weather.. :x I even complained about the office temperature when it went under 23 degree!! Now I can't do anything about the weather here.. :( :( except to wear longer and more layers of clothes.. My nose has been acting up quite frequently and I have not yet figure out how to keep it from "running"..
Looks like I would need to fork out a small fortune to equip myself with long-sleeves, jackets, sweaters and coats.. Here the people wear more than 1 layer of clothings, instead of 1 thick clothes.. Why? cos while indoors, with the heater on, it would be too hot with the jacket/sweater/coat on.. For someone who don't really care much about dressing up, it poses a big headache.. especially the matching of colors and whatever.. For me, comfortability is the main concern and in the tropics a nicely designed shirt/blouse will do, but in the temperate countries, one has to make sure that the blouse, outer-wear, jacket/coat matches with one's pants and shoes!!! :x
In the end, I decided... To the heck with what other thinks! As long as I'm neat, tidy and comfortable, I don't give a damn if what I'm wearing clashes or whatever.. It is all about the issue of perspectives and social norm.. Since I'm not Japanese, I will not conform to what the Japanese society expects. As long as I don't go against it too much and give it due respect, I think I can get away with it.. since I am a foreigner!! :p :p
Sometimes I wonder how big one's wardrobe has to be in temperate countries with 4 seasons.. Imagine wearing at least 3 different sets of clothes during hot (summer), cool (spring and early autumn) and cold (end autumn to winter) weathers.. No wonder shopping become the national past-time for ladies!! Especially in Japan, when one's appearance takes precedence (aka the main consideration) in almost every aspect of life here.. People are 'obsessed' with what their friends or colleagues wear and it most probably will becomes a topic of gossip or judgment! This is one more reason that I am reluctant to consider working here.. I want to spend my time and energy thinking of ways to improve (myself, my team, my dept, etc) and contribute to the company, and not to worry about what I should wear and in the end, being pre-judged and discriminated against due to my lack of 'fashionable dress sense'.. So what if I wear the same sets of clothes whole year round? I am NOT defined by what I wear, what's inside is more important as a differentiator than what is outside! Maybe it's because there is nothing much inside that one has to try to compensate by wearing something that would make them stand out!!
I'm not against people who wants to dress up, but please do it to show your good features and hide/camouflage the bad ones.... Sometimes it's an eye-sore looking at 'dumplings' (aka ladies who like to wear tight shirt/blouse/jeans/pants that would just 'showcase' their fats! Sometimes one just can't pity that piece of clothing that is trying it's best to hold everything together), 'fake blonds' (aka people who used at least half a gallon of bleach to take out their natural hair color, which is black, and turned themselves into blonds! But Asians with blond hair are just plain weird-looking..), 'Marge Simpson' (aka ladies with hair that are either the leaning tower of Pisa, a bee hive or just one big mess!) and 'Metrosexual-gone-astray' (aka guys who cant decide if they want to remain as guys or become girls. With the amount of make-up, grooming or whatever they are doing, they definitely put me to shame. And the way they carry themselves is soooooo gay!)...
But again, I strongly believed that everyone has their rights to dress as they like, so I think I would just close my eyes whenever I see any of them or look at them as one of the 'quaint exhibit' on display.... :p :p
Oct 14, 2007
Memorable quotes..
these quotes might not originate from these shows, documentaries, drama, anime, etc but I heard them while watching it.. so I thought I share them here..
From Karas (anime)
"It's lonely not being remembered.."
From The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear (documentary)
"... Whilst the 20th century was dominated between a conflict between a free-market Right and a socialist Left, even though both of those outlooks had their limitations and their problems, at least they believed in something, whereas what we are seeing now is a society that believes in nothing. And a society that believes in nothing is particularly frightened by people who believe in anything, and, therefore, we label those people as fundamentalists or fanatics... "
by Bill Durodie, Director , International Centre For Security Analysis , Kings College
"But for the neo-conservatives, religion was a myth, like the myth of America as a unique nation that they had promoted in the Cold War. Strauss had taught that these myths were necessary to give ordinary people meaning and purpose, and so ensure a stable society..."
From Sicko by Michael Moore
".. a society is judged by the way it treats its weakest and underprivileged.."
From Karas (anime)
"It's lonely not being remembered.."
From The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear (documentary)
"... Whilst the 20th century was dominated between a conflict between a free-market Right and a socialist Left, even though both of those outlooks had their limitations and their problems, at least they believed in something, whereas what we are seeing now is a society that believes in nothing. And a society that believes in nothing is particularly frightened by people who believe in anything, and, therefore, we label those people as fundamentalists or fanatics... "
by Bill Durodie, Director , International Centre For Security Analysis , Kings College
"But for the neo-conservatives, religion was a myth, like the myth of America as a unique nation that they had promoted in the Cold War. Strauss had taught that these myths were necessary to give ordinary people meaning and purpose, and so ensure a stable society..."
From Sicko by Michael Moore
".. a society is judged by the way it treats its weakest and underprivileged.."
Masak Masak II
Made a soup today.. The weather was cool and windy so I thought I made some soup to warm myself up.. :)

A very simple soup.. just some carrots, potatoes, mushrooms and some beef balls.. Each type of the ingredients costs 105yen as I got them from the 99yen shop this morning.. For 105yen each, I get 2 carrots, 5 small potatoes, a small bunch of mushrooms and 9 beef balls.. so this soup cost me 420yen.. I put all of these ingredients into the soup as I do not want to keep any uncooked food in my room..
The soup is kinda bland so I put 1 tablespoon of soy sauce to it.. The soup would be sweeter if I'd put some onions into it. I didnt get any onions as it would have been too much and all wont fit into the rice cooker.. yes, I used the rice cooker to cook my soup.. :p And I shall look around for more exciting things to try with the rice cooker.. will be cooking pasta with it soon.. :)

A very simple soup.. just some carrots, potatoes, mushrooms and some beef balls.. Each type of the ingredients costs 105yen as I got them from the 99yen shop this morning.. For 105yen each, I get 2 carrots, 5 small potatoes, a small bunch of mushrooms and 9 beef balls.. so this soup cost me 420yen.. I put all of these ingredients into the soup as I do not want to keep any uncooked food in my room..
The soup is kinda bland so I put 1 tablespoon of soy sauce to it.. The soup would be sweeter if I'd put some onions into it. I didnt get any onions as it would have been too much and all wont fit into the rice cooker.. yes, I used the rice cooker to cook my soup.. :p And I shall look around for more exciting things to try with the rice cooker.. will be cooking pasta with it soon.. :)
Oct 11, 2007
Psychologies and Conspiracies..
Watched several interesting documentaries today..
One of them is a 4-part series called 'The Century of Self'. This was a documentary by Adam Curtis released on BBC in 2002. It tells of Sigmund Freud's theory of psycho-analysis and his nephew, Edward Bernays' role in applying Freud's theory and created the profession now commonly known as 'public relations'.
To quote the BBC site:
To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really? The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?
This series really opened up my eyes and my mind as to the possible extend of manipulation of the masses by the few.. Psycho-analysts, with the help of the media is capable of influencing the public and even the country by telling them constantly how they should feel, behave and desire. By manipulating the underlying irrational behaviors, according to Freud, corporations are able to sell the public anything and everything.
Another 'documentary' is "Secrets of the Matrix", a 3-parter by David Icke on the conspiracies of the Illuminati and the 'truth' about 9-11. I was intrigued by the kind of detailed works done to denounce the official story of 9-11.. Although he raised lots of questions that the authorities can't seem to answer convincingly, but to totally believe in him is still a far stretch..
Then I watched 'Sicko' by Michael Moore.. This was actually a film mentioned by one of my professors during his class. Michael Moore's films are always controversial. From Bowling for Columbine to Fahrenheit 9-11, it always exposes the other side of the US, the side that was seldom portrayed by the media (TV or movies).
In the movie, he went to Canada, UK and France to look at the healthcare situation at those countries. And he asked the questions why isn't the US taking care of its sick citizens as well as those countries. Even Cuba, the boogey-man that US government had been telling its citizens to be aware of for the past 45years, is offering much better health care to its citizens at no cost!! A medication that would cost US$120 in the US can be bought there at less than US$0.10!! According to the movie, most of the health insurance companies would find all kinds of possible ways to deny their customers their claims for health care, as any claims that were denied are profits to the companies..
So today was a day filled with psychology theories and conspiracies.. I will not accept everything and anything that was said in those shows.. All these information will have to be digested and analyzed. And in the end, I will decide what to believe and apply as any choice made or not made will have an influence in me, the society and the world in general.. I am a strong believer of one reap what one sow..
One of them is a 4-part series called 'The Century of Self'. This was a documentary by Adam Curtis released on BBC in 2002. It tells of Sigmund Freud's theory of psycho-analysis and his nephew, Edward Bernays' role in applying Freud's theory and created the profession now commonly known as 'public relations'.
To quote the BBC site:
To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really? The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?
This series really opened up my eyes and my mind as to the possible extend of manipulation of the masses by the few.. Psycho-analysts, with the help of the media is capable of influencing the public and even the country by telling them constantly how they should feel, behave and desire. By manipulating the underlying irrational behaviors, according to Freud, corporations are able to sell the public anything and everything.
Another 'documentary' is "Secrets of the Matrix", a 3-parter by David Icke on the conspiracies of the Illuminati and the 'truth' about 9-11. I was intrigued by the kind of detailed works done to denounce the official story of 9-11.. Although he raised lots of questions that the authorities can't seem to answer convincingly, but to totally believe in him is still a far stretch..
Then I watched 'Sicko' by Michael Moore.. This was actually a film mentioned by one of my professors during his class. Michael Moore's films are always controversial. From Bowling for Columbine to Fahrenheit 9-11, it always exposes the other side of the US, the side that was seldom portrayed by the media (TV or movies).
In the movie, he went to Canada, UK and France to look at the healthcare situation at those countries. And he asked the questions why isn't the US taking care of its sick citizens as well as those countries. Even Cuba, the boogey-man that US government had been telling its citizens to be aware of for the past 45years, is offering much better health care to its citizens at no cost!! A medication that would cost US$120 in the US can be bought there at less than US$0.10!! According to the movie, most of the health insurance companies would find all kinds of possible ways to deny their customers their claims for health care, as any claims that were denied are profits to the companies..
So today was a day filled with psychology theories and conspiracies.. I will not accept everything and anything that was said in those shows.. All these information will have to be digested and analyzed. And in the end, I will decide what to believe and apply as any choice made or not made will have an influence in me, the society and the world in general.. I am a strong believer of one reap what one sow..
Masak Masak..
Today I cooked..
Was kinda sick of the bentos from the convenient stores that I decided to cook.. As I do not have a kitchen in my room, I was very reluctant to cook when I first got here.. Even now, I hate going into the common kitchen as the state of it doesn't really 'inspire' appetite, in fact one could very well lost one's appetite after a quick 'tour' of the common kitchen.. :x
Thus I decided to cook something, without leaving my room, using the rice cooker that my brother passed me few months ago. It was a very simple rice dish with some pre-packed ingredient that I got from one of those economical stores.. Not too bad for someone who is using this particular rice cooker to cook Japanese rice for the first time. I had put a bit more water to it so it was slightly mushier but it was okay as I like mushy rice.. :) The rice cooker is also capable of making porridge, so maybe I would give that a try someday..
Here the raw ingredients are not much cheaper compared to Singapore, much lesser Malaysia. I bought 1 kg of rice at 498yen, which is more than SG$6! 4 eggs for 150yen (around SG$1.80)! Have yet to check out the prices for vegetables and meat or poultry, but I doubt it would be any cheaper.. thus frankly, it wasn't very economical to cook just 1 meal for 1 person.. especially with the kind of instant food that is widely available and so much more hassle-free.. The two reason I think people would cook, particularly in the dorm, is either religious (aka food must be halal, no pork/etc) or cravings (missing home-cooked food or the taste of home).
As this is my first try with the rice cooker, I think I will 'experiment' more and see what other dishes I can cook with it.. maybe I could even try cooking curry with it, :p before getting another appliance like the hotplate, slow cooker or whatever.. Also the dorm has a rule that says that all cooking should be done in the common kitchen, to prevent fire or whatever.. but frankly, the number of times I smell burnt 'stuff' from the kitchen tells me that I should be safe cooking in my room as long as I am careful about it.. cos hey I am going to sleep in the room after cooking, right? Who would want to start a fire in their own room??!! And I would definitely clean up properly after cooking, unlike those using the common kitchen!
So for the days that I'm going to stay in, I might cook something to eat for the whole day.. The one thing that I miss a lot is green cooked vegetables.. The vegetables here are either pickled vegetables, white radish or cold salad (lettuce, carrot,cabbage, etc). I missed my kangkong belacan, xiao bai chai, chai xin, bitter gourd and even mixed vegetables.. :( The only interesting vegetables here is mushrooms.. there are a great more variety of mushrooms available in Japan.. so maybe I might do a blog on the types of mushrooms next time.. :)
Was kinda sick of the bentos from the convenient stores that I decided to cook.. As I do not have a kitchen in my room, I was very reluctant to cook when I first got here.. Even now, I hate going into the common kitchen as the state of it doesn't really 'inspire' appetite, in fact one could very well lost one's appetite after a quick 'tour' of the common kitchen.. :x

Here the raw ingredients are not much cheaper compared to Singapore, much lesser Malaysia. I bought 1 kg of rice at 498yen, which is more than SG$6! 4 eggs for 150yen (around SG$1.80)! Have yet to check out the prices for vegetables and meat or poultry, but I doubt it would be any cheaper.. thus frankly, it wasn't very economical to cook just 1 meal for 1 person.. especially with the kind of instant food that is widely available and so much more hassle-free.. The two reason I think people would cook, particularly in the dorm, is either religious (aka food must be halal, no pork/etc) or cravings (missing home-cooked food or the taste of home).
As this is my first try with the rice cooker, I think I will 'experiment' more and see what other dishes I can cook with it.. maybe I could even try cooking curry with it, :p before getting another appliance like the hotplate, slow cooker or whatever.. Also the dorm has a rule that says that all cooking should be done in the common kitchen, to prevent fire or whatever.. but frankly, the number of times I smell burnt 'stuff' from the kitchen tells me that I should be safe cooking in my room as long as I am careful about it.. cos hey I am going to sleep in the room after cooking, right? Who would want to start a fire in their own room??!! And I would definitely clean up properly after cooking, unlike those using the common kitchen!
So for the days that I'm going to stay in, I might cook something to eat for the whole day.. The one thing that I miss a lot is green cooked vegetables.. The vegetables here are either pickled vegetables, white radish or cold salad (lettuce, carrot,cabbage, etc). I missed my kangkong belacan, xiao bai chai, chai xin, bitter gourd and even mixed vegetables.. :( The only interesting vegetables here is mushrooms.. there are a great more variety of mushrooms available in Japan.. so maybe I might do a blog on the types of mushrooms next time.. :)
Oct 8, 2007
3 reports for Week 1
It was just the first week of school, and already I had to write 3 reports for 2 different classes.. :x One of them was actually not my class. I took that class last semester, but was attending the class 2 Saturdays ago cos my Sensei asked me to explain the survey site that I've created to the class.. I was 'arrowed', so to speak in Spore slang..
I do foresee lots of these kind of 'arrows' flying at me.. maybe cos I was one of the very few within my research lab who has the necessary technical skills to actually do something instead of just talking about it.. The global survey sort-of became my baby along the way, although I had no say what-so-ever in the content, yet I was asked to explain to the classes and get them to test it?!?! If I know in more details the who, what, why relating to the survey, I might be in a better position to explain it.. It was really a challenge for me to 'make up' things to say along the way.. Even the cover page was written by me, without knowing the whole story.. :p Not bad huh?! :) I still have my 'smoking' or 'sian' skills intact.. ;) :p ;)
I do foresee lots of these kind of 'arrows' flying at me.. maybe cos I was one of the very few within my research lab who has the necessary technical skills to actually do something instead of just talking about it.. The global survey sort-of became my baby along the way, although I had no say what-so-ever in the content, yet I was asked to explain to the classes and get them to test it?!?! If I know in more details the who, what, why relating to the survey, I might be in a better position to explain it.. It was really a challenge for me to 'make up' things to say along the way.. Even the cover page was written by me, without knowing the whole story.. :p Not bad huh?! :) I still have my 'smoking' or 'sian' skills intact.. ;) :p ;)
Oct 7, 2007
Fruits.. Grapes..
Before coming to Japan, I always thought that temperate fruits like grapes, orange, apples, pears etc would be cheap and plentiful in Japan. But I was very very very wrong..
Fruits are very expensive in Japan, period. Yes, the size of an orange and apple is much larger than what is usually available in Malaysia and Singapore. They are maybe twice or thrice as big as the Fuji apple that we are familiar with.. and so is the price.. An apple the size of an adult's palm is between 250 yen to 400 yen! The only affordable fruit in Japan, ironically, is banana!! A comb of banana (about 4-5 bananas) cost between 105yen to 200yen, depending on its quality and source.
I once saw a durian, smaller than a basketball, being sold for more than 2,500yen! That is almost SG$30!! And the watermelon during summer was equally expensive.. Imagine paying more than 600yen for 1 basketball-sized watermelon!! :o :o Madness!!

This small bunch of grapes cost 400yen. Bought this in one of the supermarkets in Shimo-kitazawa. I had always liked grapes and had bought it once in a while during my stay in Singapore. Over there, it was between SG$0.69 to SG$0.69 per 100g. I will only buy it during sale period.. :p But here, the prices of fruits don't seem to go down.. After monitoring the prices of grapes for a while, I've decided to just buy it once.

Each grape is bigger than my thumb! They are very sweet to the point of being bitter in some instances.. Too bad they aren't seedless.. :p Else they would be perfect!! :)
Frankly, the prices of fruits here are so expensive that fruits had become luxury items instead of daily food. In the end, I just drink fruit juices (like apple or orange juices) or vegetable juices to get my daily doses of natural Vit. C and fiber.. A liter of real orange juice or apple juice cost between 200yen to 350yen, so they are much more economical..
Fruits are very expensive in Japan, period. Yes, the size of an orange and apple is much larger than what is usually available in Malaysia and Singapore. They are maybe twice or thrice as big as the Fuji apple that we are familiar with.. and so is the price.. An apple the size of an adult's palm is between 250 yen to 400 yen! The only affordable fruit in Japan, ironically, is banana!! A comb of banana (about 4-5 bananas) cost between 105yen to 200yen, depending on its quality and source.
I once saw a durian, smaller than a basketball, being sold for more than 2,500yen! That is almost SG$30!! And the watermelon during summer was equally expensive.. Imagine paying more than 600yen for 1 basketball-sized watermelon!! :o :o Madness!!

This small bunch of grapes cost 400yen. Bought this in one of the supermarkets in Shimo-kitazawa. I had always liked grapes and had bought it once in a while during my stay in Singapore. Over there, it was between SG$0.69 to SG$0.69 per 100g. I will only buy it during sale period.. :p But here, the prices of fruits don't seem to go down.. After monitoring the prices of grapes for a while, I've decided to just buy it once.

Each grape is bigger than my thumb! They are very sweet to the point of being bitter in some instances.. Too bad they aren't seedless.. :p Else they would be perfect!! :)
Frankly, the prices of fruits here are so expensive that fruits had become luxury items instead of daily food. In the end, I just drink fruit juices (like apple or orange juices) or vegetable juices to get my daily doses of natural Vit. C and fiber.. A liter of real orange juice or apple juice cost between 200yen to 350yen, so they are much more economical..
My Research Lab
Had been wanting to write about my research lab since last year, but I didn't have photos to go with.. So I thought that I would wait for the photos taken (thanks Shinta!) during last semester's farewell party before writing. All the photos in this entry was taken in Jul this year.

This is my Sensei, Professor Obi. As he went to Columbia University and worked in the UN before, thus he is not quite the typical 'strict and conservative' Japanese professor.. :) Very approachable, when he has time.. :)

These are my English-speaking lab mates..
The Ladies (from left): Yao (from China, graduated last semester), Michelle (from US-Taiwan, Master's Year 1), Me, Hai (from Vietnam, PhD Year 1), Jayne (from the Philippines, graduated last semester) and Shinta (from Indonesia, Master's Year 1).
The Guys (from left): Rahim (from Malaysia, graduated last semester), Bobby (from the Philippines, Masters Yr 2), Arief (from Indonesia, graduated last semester), Ilu (from Samoa, research student) and Joe (from Taiwan, PhD Yr 2). Not in the picture is Luis (from Peru, PhD Yr 1) and Diana (from Russia, PhD Yr 2).

This was the big happy family of Obi Lab for last semester. There are about 38 students in the lab, either Master's, PhD or research students. This is the largest research lab in my graduate school. It is also a mini-United Nations, with Chinese and Taiwanese being the majority. My Sensei even joked that maybe he should start taking Chinese lessons, since the most commonly used language after Japanese and English is Chinese.. :p Most of the Chinese students in my research lab can speak fluent Japanese, thus I do not really have the opportunity to mix and hang out with them.. and add to the fact that most of them are all fresh graduates, so there is a 'small' age gap between us.. :p The English-speaking lab mates are mostly sent by their governments or had worked a few years, except for a few who had never worked full time before..
Hopefully my Japanese will be good enough so that I will be able to join the Japanese group in their weekly seminar with Sensei in my last semester.. :)
More photos of the farewell party of my research lab in Jul 2007.

This is my Sensei, Professor Obi. As he went to Columbia University and worked in the UN before, thus he is not quite the typical 'strict and conservative' Japanese professor.. :) Very approachable, when he has time.. :)

These are my English-speaking lab mates..
The Ladies (from left): Yao (from China, graduated last semester), Michelle (from US-Taiwan, Master's Year 1), Me, Hai (from Vietnam, PhD Year 1), Jayne (from the Philippines, graduated last semester) and Shinta (from Indonesia, Master's Year 1).
The Guys (from left): Rahim (from Malaysia, graduated last semester), Bobby (from the Philippines, Masters Yr 2), Arief (from Indonesia, graduated last semester), Ilu (from Samoa, research student) and Joe (from Taiwan, PhD Yr 2). Not in the picture is Luis (from Peru, PhD Yr 1) and Diana (from Russia, PhD Yr 2).

This was the big happy family of Obi Lab for last semester. There are about 38 students in the lab, either Master's, PhD or research students. This is the largest research lab in my graduate school. It is also a mini-United Nations, with Chinese and Taiwanese being the majority. My Sensei even joked that maybe he should start taking Chinese lessons, since the most commonly used language after Japanese and English is Chinese.. :p Most of the Chinese students in my research lab can speak fluent Japanese, thus I do not really have the opportunity to mix and hang out with them.. and add to the fact that most of them are all fresh graduates, so there is a 'small' age gap between us.. :p The English-speaking lab mates are mostly sent by their governments or had worked a few years, except for a few who had never worked full time before..
Hopefully my Japanese will be good enough so that I will be able to join the Japanese group in their weekly seminar with Sensei in my last semester.. :)
More photos of the farewell party of my research lab in Jul 2007.
Oct 6, 2007
Buzi, Buzy, Busy
Was quite busy the last few days....
Wednesday, 3 Oct
Went to the 9am class for Oral Expression 3E. What a shock! The Sensei, after finding out that several of us did not do level 2 and came straight to her level 3 class, told us straight in the face that she strongly 'advice' us to go to level 2 instead. The way she put it across was by no mean rude, but it was very direct. The impression I got was that she do not want to help us (about 5 of us) to catch up, even when the class was less than 10 people.. To me, she was just being truthful and direct, but unfortunately way too demoralizing. Suddenly, I had no confidence in my Japanese skills, no matter how little I had in the first place.. :x
In the end I started to have doubts about taking any level 3 classes!! Struggling to find suitable classes, in the same time not wanting to go to level 2 classes, Kim-chan and me went to the Independent Learning class to check it out, since Alex was raving about it.. But in the end, the Sensei for Independent Learning too said that it would be rather difficult for us as the IL classes are for Level 3-4. This Sensei was so unlike that earlier sensei who just told us to drop her class as she would not want to teach us level 2 grammar.. At least she told us nicely and explained the reason why..
So we were undecided now.. On one hand, Alex said that the IL class is doable, while on the other, the Sensei said that it would be difficult.. After some discussion, we decided to take the IL class and the 3 of us can work together to catch up..
We then went to Kanji (for Kim-chan) and Oral Expression 2 (for me) after lunch. The Sensei for OE 2 was very nice and the class is manageable for me. I was torn again. If I take IL, I would have 6 Japanese classes all together without taking into account OE 2. Yet, I really wanted to take her classes as I could sense that she is a good and patient teacher. I will see how the friday Grammar 3 goes.. So headache... :x :x
Later at night, I went for the karate practice. And I got my result for the promotion exam. I passed!! So now I'm in Level 9, purple belt.. :) Well, at least 1 good thing happened today...
Thursday, 4 Oct
No class for me on Thursdays.. but today I had to go back to school for a 6pm workshop by my research lab.. I woke up around 10am.. did my laundry, watched some anime (Kekkaishi - 结界师) and went out to get my lunch.. Body was slightly aching, maybe due to the karate session the night before..
Reached school at least 40min earlier, which was okay with me.. I just sat at the sofa near the entrance and read up some Japanese grammar.. Then 10 min before 6pm, we were asked to go to a small meeting room. Mr Utsumi, ex-Sec Gen of ITU was to be giving some lecture. About 15 of my Sensei's students came for this workshop. It was a very interesting talk by Mr Utsumi. It was about the workings, dynamics and process of organising the World Summit on the Information Society. Just like any major world-wide conferences, there are many hidden hands manipulating the processes. Every country wants to further their own agenda thus jostling and positioning are the norm. But to hear all these from the person within the very organization that organized and championed it was a different experience. To say the least, this workshop opened my eyes on the workings of international relationships..
Friday, 5 Oct
Fridays are going to be my busiest day of the week.. I have 3 classes and 1 seminar from 9am to 9pm...
First it was the Grammar 3 class at 9am. The Sensei gave us a test during the class to check our grammar proficiency level. She wants to know if our basics (of grammar level 1 and 2) are good enough to take level 3. Out of 30 questions, I only managed to get 14 correct. She said that those scored 18 and above should remain in this class while those scoring lower should seriously consider changing to a lower level class. She told me that this class is doable but would be difficult, that I should think about taking this class..
Kim-chan and I had a discussion after the class. I told her that I do not mind taking this Grammar 3 class but I don't think I would be able to cope with the IL class for level 3-4. In the end I sticked to my original plan which is to take Listening 3E, Reading 3E (both of which I do not have much problem, yet), Pronunciation 3E, Oral Expression 2E and Grammar 3E. In this way, I would just need to work harder on my Grammar which is 'only' 1 level higher as compared to IL 3-4 which is more than 1 level advanced. I really wanted to take the Listening class as I want to improve my listening skills and at Level 3, it was at a comfortable learning level for me.. So in the end, both of us decided to drop the idea of going to IL 3-4.. And we also decided that we will meet up on Wednesdays to have our study group in the morning and after our 1pm class.
So in a way, I sort-of decided on my Japanese classes for this semester... :)
Prof. Kano's class was interesting and so was A.Prof Suganuma's. I think I will learn a lot from these 2 professors.. :) And I'm thinking of doing my theme research with them too.. After these 2 classes, it was my lab's seminar.. which ended at 9.10pm... Went to have dinner with Michelle, Shinta and Jim.. Didnt reach home until almost 12am.. Super tired...
Wednesday, 3 Oct
Went to the 9am class for Oral Expression 3E. What a shock! The Sensei, after finding out that several of us did not do level 2 and came straight to her level 3 class, told us straight in the face that she strongly 'advice' us to go to level 2 instead. The way she put it across was by no mean rude, but it was very direct. The impression I got was that she do not want to help us (about 5 of us) to catch up, even when the class was less than 10 people.. To me, she was just being truthful and direct, but unfortunately way too demoralizing. Suddenly, I had no confidence in my Japanese skills, no matter how little I had in the first place.. :x
In the end I started to have doubts about taking any level 3 classes!! Struggling to find suitable classes, in the same time not wanting to go to level 2 classes, Kim-chan and me went to the Independent Learning class to check it out, since Alex was raving about it.. But in the end, the Sensei for Independent Learning too said that it would be rather difficult for us as the IL classes are for Level 3-4. This Sensei was so unlike that earlier sensei who just told us to drop her class as she would not want to teach us level 2 grammar.. At least she told us nicely and explained the reason why..
So we were undecided now.. On one hand, Alex said that the IL class is doable, while on the other, the Sensei said that it would be difficult.. After some discussion, we decided to take the IL class and the 3 of us can work together to catch up..
We then went to Kanji (for Kim-chan) and Oral Expression 2 (for me) after lunch. The Sensei for OE 2 was very nice and the class is manageable for me. I was torn again. If I take IL, I would have 6 Japanese classes all together without taking into account OE 2. Yet, I really wanted to take her classes as I could sense that she is a good and patient teacher. I will see how the friday Grammar 3 goes.. So headache... :x :x
Later at night, I went for the karate practice. And I got my result for the promotion exam. I passed!! So now I'm in Level 9, purple belt.. :) Well, at least 1 good thing happened today...
Thursday, 4 Oct
No class for me on Thursdays.. but today I had to go back to school for a 6pm workshop by my research lab.. I woke up around 10am.. did my laundry, watched some anime (Kekkaishi - 结界师) and went out to get my lunch.. Body was slightly aching, maybe due to the karate session the night before..
Reached school at least 40min earlier, which was okay with me.. I just sat at the sofa near the entrance and read up some Japanese grammar.. Then 10 min before 6pm, we were asked to go to a small meeting room. Mr Utsumi, ex-Sec Gen of ITU was to be giving some lecture. About 15 of my Sensei's students came for this workshop. It was a very interesting talk by Mr Utsumi. It was about the workings, dynamics and process of organising the World Summit on the Information Society. Just like any major world-wide conferences, there are many hidden hands manipulating the processes. Every country wants to further their own agenda thus jostling and positioning are the norm. But to hear all these from the person within the very organization that organized and championed it was a different experience. To say the least, this workshop opened my eyes on the workings of international relationships..
Friday, 5 Oct
Fridays are going to be my busiest day of the week.. I have 3 classes and 1 seminar from 9am to 9pm...
First it was the Grammar 3 class at 9am. The Sensei gave us a test during the class to check our grammar proficiency level. She wants to know if our basics (of grammar level 1 and 2) are good enough to take level 3. Out of 30 questions, I only managed to get 14 correct. She said that those scored 18 and above should remain in this class while those scoring lower should seriously consider changing to a lower level class. She told me that this class is doable but would be difficult, that I should think about taking this class..
Kim-chan and I had a discussion after the class. I told her that I do not mind taking this Grammar 3 class but I don't think I would be able to cope with the IL class for level 3-4. In the end I sticked to my original plan which is to take Listening 3E, Reading 3E (both of which I do not have much problem, yet), Pronunciation 3E, Oral Expression 2E and Grammar 3E. In this way, I would just need to work harder on my Grammar which is 'only' 1 level higher as compared to IL 3-4 which is more than 1 level advanced. I really wanted to take the Listening class as I want to improve my listening skills and at Level 3, it was at a comfortable learning level for me.. So in the end, both of us decided to drop the idea of going to IL 3-4.. And we also decided that we will meet up on Wednesdays to have our study group in the morning and after our 1pm class.
So in a way, I sort-of decided on my Japanese classes for this semester... :)
Prof. Kano's class was interesting and so was A.Prof Suganuma's. I think I will learn a lot from these 2 professors.. :) And I'm thinking of doing my theme research with them too.. After these 2 classes, it was my lab's seminar.. which ended at 9.10pm... Went to have dinner with Michelle, Shinta and Jim.. Didnt reach home until almost 12am.. Super tired...
Oct 2, 2007
Golden Piglets..
With 2007, being the auspicious year of the golden pig, as the Chinese believed, many couples decided to take the plunge into parenthood this year... and so did many of my friends... 3 babies were born during the last 2 months or so, with 2 more on the way in Dec and 1 more somewhere in Mar.. so this really is a bumper 'baby' year... :) :) think the Spore government should be very happy with the jump in the population.. :p :p
Introducing the babies.... :)

Baby: Isabelle Tan, now 2.5 months old..
Proud parents: Cheng Kiong and Yee Pieng
She was my room-mate during my first year in NUS.. we were staying in room C211, a double-room in Eusoff Hall.. Thus we have been friends since 1994.. :)
May Isabelle grow up healthily, blessed with her mum's beauty and her dad's wisdom...

Baby: Joshua Lim, now almost 1.5 months old..
Proud parents: Derick and Patsy
She is my ex-colleague from my first company.. Been through many ups and downs together.. Suffered through the same incompetent management..
May Joshua grow up healthily, blessed with his mum's resilience and his dad's good looks..

Baby: Rio Reynolds, now 1 month old..
Proud parents: Dean and Voone
She is an ex-colleagues from my first company.. Both of us are sort-of of the same temperament - straight-talking with a wicked sense of humor, same liberal thinking.. Thus Rio is my god-son.. :) Another happy Aussie.. :)
May Rio grow up healthily, blessed with his mum's temperament and his dad's good looks & charms..
Aren't they cute??? :) :) :)
Introducing the babies.... :)

Baby: Isabelle Tan, now 2.5 months old..
Proud parents: Cheng Kiong and Yee Pieng
She was my room-mate during my first year in NUS.. we were staying in room C211, a double-room in Eusoff Hall.. Thus we have been friends since 1994.. :)
May Isabelle grow up healthily, blessed with her mum's beauty and her dad's wisdom...

Baby: Joshua Lim, now almost 1.5 months old..
Proud parents: Derick and Patsy
She is my ex-colleague from my first company.. Been through many ups and downs together.. Suffered through the same incompetent management..
May Joshua grow up healthily, blessed with his mum's resilience and his dad's good looks..

Baby: Rio Reynolds, now 1 month old..
Proud parents: Dean and Voone
She is an ex-colleagues from my first company.. Both of us are sort-of of the same temperament - straight-talking with a wicked sense of humor, same liberal thinking.. Thus Rio is my god-son.. :) Another happy Aussie.. :)
May Rio grow up healthily, blessed with his mum's temperament and his dad's good looks & charms..
Aren't they cute??? :) :) :)
2nd day of school
Today is the second day of school... had 3 classes today..
First class in the morning, 9am, is the Reading class. The Sensei was very friendly and humorous, so her class should be fun.. There is about 15 of us in the class, so still conducive for learning.. She gave us a printout from the text and asked us to read and answer the questions.. I could understand the passage, but was having problem answering the questions in my own word, so in the end, I just copied the original sentence as the answer.. :p :p
After the class, the 4 of us went to the University cafeteria (again) and hang out.. It was the one of the 2 instances that the four of us attended the same weekly classes.. The guys treated us girls Green tea latte. And we just talked rubbish.. it was more on the alternative 'education' that Alex and Chua wanted Kim-chan to 'study'.. It really amazed me the two huge contrast between Alex and Kim-chan.. One is so innocent, while the other so... to put it nicely, 'well-versed'.. :p Then around 11:30am we went for an early lunch.. Kim-chan went to her sister's place instead..
My next class was at 1pm, the Pronunciation class.. The class is huge, too many people in one class that it was no longer conducive for learning anymore.. The class has about 25 students!! :o Both the Bekka students (ie those students who came for Japanese classes only) and undergraduate or graduate students are eligible to take this class.. Thus the Sensei mentioned that they might split the class up into 2 and have the other class on Wednesday.. It was okay by me, as I would prefer a smaller class.. else it would only be a waste of time if the Sensei is not able to listen and correct our mistakes due to class size.. The class is fun as we get to ponder which pronunciation is for which word/phrase and the proper way of pronouncing certain words , etc.. Just hope they find a way to cut down the class size..
Then I had to wait for almost 2 hours for my next class, which is another Masters class.. Went to the student lodge and chatted with Ilu, a Samoan scholar from the same lab... Took a quick shuteye of 20 minutes..
Professor Urano's class, Internet, was okay.. I kinda knew some of that stuff in general, so it won't be a stressful course for me.. Although I do find his way of teaching a bit too slow.. but hey, as long as he gets his idea/message across, who am I to comment, right??
By the time I reached home, it was almost 7pm.. Very tired.. However, just by thinking about tomorrow makes me happy, cos I have only 1 class tomorrow.. :D :D So I think tomorrow will be my grocery-shopping cum room-cleaning cum laundry day... The weather these few days were so cold, wet and cloudy that I was really reluctant to do anything physical.. :p But I think I had better start doing some house-cleaning before all the pests start coming in 'to pay me a visit', especially when my room is just next to the common kitchen..
Can't wait for Thursday.. my off-day during weekdays.. :) :p
First class in the morning, 9am, is the Reading class. The Sensei was very friendly and humorous, so her class should be fun.. There is about 15 of us in the class, so still conducive for learning.. She gave us a printout from the text and asked us to read and answer the questions.. I could understand the passage, but was having problem answering the questions in my own word, so in the end, I just copied the original sentence as the answer.. :p :p
After the class, the 4 of us went to the University cafeteria (again) and hang out.. It was the one of the 2 instances that the four of us attended the same weekly classes.. The guys treated us girls Green tea latte. And we just talked rubbish.. it was more on the alternative 'education' that Alex and Chua wanted Kim-chan to 'study'.. It really amazed me the two huge contrast between Alex and Kim-chan.. One is so innocent, while the other so... to put it nicely, 'well-versed'.. :p Then around 11:30am we went for an early lunch.. Kim-chan went to her sister's place instead..
My next class was at 1pm, the Pronunciation class.. The class is huge, too many people in one class that it was no longer conducive for learning anymore.. The class has about 25 students!! :o Both the Bekka students (ie those students who came for Japanese classes only) and undergraduate or graduate students are eligible to take this class.. Thus the Sensei mentioned that they might split the class up into 2 and have the other class on Wednesday.. It was okay by me, as I would prefer a smaller class.. else it would only be a waste of time if the Sensei is not able to listen and correct our mistakes due to class size.. The class is fun as we get to ponder which pronunciation is for which word/phrase and the proper way of pronouncing certain words , etc.. Just hope they find a way to cut down the class size..
Then I had to wait for almost 2 hours for my next class, which is another Masters class.. Went to the student lodge and chatted with Ilu, a Samoan scholar from the same lab... Took a quick shuteye of 20 minutes..
Professor Urano's class, Internet, was okay.. I kinda knew some of that stuff in general, so it won't be a stressful course for me.. Although I do find his way of teaching a bit too slow.. but hey, as long as he gets his idea/message across, who am I to comment, right??
By the time I reached home, it was almost 7pm.. Very tired.. However, just by thinking about tomorrow makes me happy, cos I have only 1 class tomorrow.. :D :D So I think tomorrow will be my grocery-shopping cum room-cleaning cum laundry day... The weather these few days were so cold, wet and cloudy that I was really reluctant to do anything physical.. :p But I think I had better start doing some house-cleaning before all the pests start coming in 'to pay me a visit', especially when my room is just next to the common kitchen..
Can't wait for Thursday.. my off-day during weekdays.. :) :p
At 6pm
The day is getting darker earlier..
It was barely 6pm but it felt like it's already 8pm.. The day starts later than in the summer, at around 5:30am but it gets dark very early... By the time it is 6:30pm, no more light...
With the weather getting colder, between 22 - 18 degree every day, I get hungry pretty easily.. :x At night, the temperature might even drop to 15 degree or so.. I am kinda worry about winter.. haven't been through winter nor have I seen snow, so this coming winter is going to be a challenge to me.. :x :x :x Might need to get more new clothes before then...
It was barely 6pm but it felt like it's already 8pm.. The day starts later than in the summer, at around 5:30am but it gets dark very early... By the time it is 6:30pm, no more light...
With the weather getting colder, between 22 - 18 degree every day, I get hungry pretty easily.. :x At night, the temperature might even drop to 15 degree or so.. I am kinda worry about winter.. haven't been through winter nor have I seen snow, so this coming winter is going to be a challenge to me.. :x :x :x Might need to get more new clothes before then...
Oct 1, 2007
Fall Semester: First day in school
Woke up around 6:45am, but didn't get out of bed until 7am.. The weather was cold and it was nice curling up inside my futon... didn't want to go anywhere.. but I had to go to school, cos it's the first day of school.. :)? :(? :x
As usual, reached school around 8:40am although I was walking real slow from the train station.. Was kinda apprehensive as to how my new class mates will be.. I know Chua will be there, also Joe, my Senpai from Obi Lab.. I was worried that I won't be able to understand what the Sensei is saying, as I am now in Level 3 where I can't say that I don't understand Japanese anymore..
Was having my breakfast when I saw Liu-san.. He and the rest of the Kang Shifu 'gang' are attending Class 3A with Chris-san.. He came into the classroom and we started chatting.. then Chua-san came... And suprise suprise! Kim-chan came too!! Had kinda gave up on Kim-chan as we didn't hear from her since she went back to Korea.. maybe she decided not to come back, as her sister in Japan went back to Korea too, to give birth I think.. Frankly, I was very happy to see her.. Didn't really make that many friends in Japan (yet), especially lady friends.. There were only 2 other ladies in my previous Jap class, and Kim-chan and I were sort-of of the same wave-length/status - thirty-something professional single Asian ladies.... :p We can better relate to what the other is going through: thoughts, family and whatever.. And sometimes it can get a bit tiring hanging out with the guys, especially Alex and Chua, who are just forever hyper...
After chatting for a while, we realised that we will be taking the same four classes on Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri.. She is taking 7 Japanese classes this semester.. I have 3 same classes with Chua, and 2 same classes with Alex.. Only 1 class I would have to attend on my own, which is the Pronunciation class on Tuesdays 1pm.. None of them wanted to take it.. but personally I think it is important to get the pronunciation correct when sometimes the same pronunciation could mean so many different things...
Then the Sensei for Listening 3E came in.. she looked pretty fierce, which is okay with me.. I've studied under many fierce-looking teachers whom in the end turned out to be very friendly and very good teachers.. I don't mind fierce-looking people, cos I myself don't quite looked friendly too.. :p :p :p Many friends told me that I looked very fierce and unapproachable when they first met me.. and how wrong they were when they get to know me better.. ;) Not many get to see or can understand my wicked sense of humour.. :)
The Sensei explained what we'll be doing in this semester, which includes conversational vocabulary, listening and understanding daily conversations, news and some basic grammar. There will be dictations and we are not allowed to use kanji at all!! Arghhh... think the dictation portion is going to kill me.. my hiragana still sucks while my kanji is pretty good.. but what the heck, think I will just have to work harder.. :x
Anyway, since this week is an orientation week, all the Japanese classes lasted only 40 minutes instead of 90min, as the subsequent 40 min is to be used by students to check out classes of a different level so as to find a suitable learning match. There is around 15 of us in the class but it might change in the following weeks. But it was great to have Kim-chan in class, cos she really is the 'pacer' for me.. :p And I finally have someone to study for JLPT with..
We left class and bumped into Chris. He still has another class and won't be free until 10:30. So we decided to go to the library to read some newspapers.. Chua had to go to his lab so it was just Kim-chan and me.. On our way there, we met Alex. So instead of going to the library, the 3 of us went to the University cafeteria and had some coffee.. Alex then 'interrogated' Kim-chan with regards to her reasons for MIA (Missing-In-Action). :p Seemed like she came back to Japan only on the 26 Sep and had left her AU mobile phone back in Korea, that was why she was uncontactable.. Anyway, everyone is just happy to see her back in school.. so all is forgiven.. :) :)
After sending off Alex (who had class at 10:30am), we met up with Chris. We went to the school canteen to have an early lunch at around 11am.. Again, we talked about what each other was doing the past summer holidays: places that we went, interesting things that happened, etc.. Chris will be going back to US next Mar, while Kim-chan will be going back next Feb.. think after next Mar, only Alex, Chua and me will still be in Waseda..
Around 12pm, we left the canteen. Chris had to go to work, while I have two of my Masters classes at 1pm and 3pm. So Kim-chan and I went to the library to read some newspaper..
The class at 1pm was Basic Theory of Content Industry System by Prof. Sakai. There were about 10 of us in the class. We waited for almost 30 min and still no sign of the Professor.. The Teaching Assistant called the Prof and in the end, there was no class!! Class canceled!! Everyone just wrote down their name and left the room.. Went to the 8th floor of the same building with Juni, the Malaysian lady that I met at the Entrance Ceremony. Checked my emails and surfed the net a bit before going back to the same classroom for the next class..
The next class was interesting.. It was on Industry R&D activities in ICT by speakers from Fujitsu Lab.. The topics were very interesting to me.. So I think I made the right choice choosing this subject, cos this subject was not in my area of study.. It was from the Computer Network area and not Socio-Economy & Policy area..
Got back to my room around 5:30pm.. the sky was pretty dark and the weather is still as depressing as ever, not to mention cold as hell..
As usual, reached school around 8:40am although I was walking real slow from the train station.. Was kinda apprehensive as to how my new class mates will be.. I know Chua will be there, also Joe, my Senpai from Obi Lab.. I was worried that I won't be able to understand what the Sensei is saying, as I am now in Level 3 where I can't say that I don't understand Japanese anymore..
Was having my breakfast when I saw Liu-san.. He and the rest of the Kang Shifu 'gang' are attending Class 3A with Chris-san.. He came into the classroom and we started chatting.. then Chua-san came... And suprise suprise! Kim-chan came too!! Had kinda gave up on Kim-chan as we didn't hear from her since she went back to Korea.. maybe she decided not to come back, as her sister in Japan went back to Korea too, to give birth I think.. Frankly, I was very happy to see her.. Didn't really make that many friends in Japan (yet), especially lady friends.. There were only 2 other ladies in my previous Jap class, and Kim-chan and I were sort-of of the same wave-length/status - thirty-something professional single Asian ladies.... :p We can better relate to what the other is going through: thoughts, family and whatever.. And sometimes it can get a bit tiring hanging out with the guys, especially Alex and Chua, who are just forever hyper...
After chatting for a while, we realised that we will be taking the same four classes on Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri.. She is taking 7 Japanese classes this semester.. I have 3 same classes with Chua, and 2 same classes with Alex.. Only 1 class I would have to attend on my own, which is the Pronunciation class on Tuesdays 1pm.. None of them wanted to take it.. but personally I think it is important to get the pronunciation correct when sometimes the same pronunciation could mean so many different things...
Then the Sensei for Listening 3E came in.. she looked pretty fierce, which is okay with me.. I've studied under many fierce-looking teachers whom in the end turned out to be very friendly and very good teachers.. I don't mind fierce-looking people, cos I myself don't quite looked friendly too.. :p :p :p Many friends told me that I looked very fierce and unapproachable when they first met me.. and how wrong they were when they get to know me better.. ;) Not many get to see or can understand my wicked sense of humour.. :)
The Sensei explained what we'll be doing in this semester, which includes conversational vocabulary, listening and understanding daily conversations, news and some basic grammar. There will be dictations and we are not allowed to use kanji at all!! Arghhh... think the dictation portion is going to kill me.. my hiragana still sucks while my kanji is pretty good.. but what the heck, think I will just have to work harder.. :x
Anyway, since this week is an orientation week, all the Japanese classes lasted only 40 minutes instead of 90min, as the subsequent 40 min is to be used by students to check out classes of a different level so as to find a suitable learning match. There is around 15 of us in the class but it might change in the following weeks. But it was great to have Kim-chan in class, cos she really is the 'pacer' for me.. :p And I finally have someone to study for JLPT with..
We left class and bumped into Chris. He still has another class and won't be free until 10:30. So we decided to go to the library to read some newspapers.. Chua had to go to his lab so it was just Kim-chan and me.. On our way there, we met Alex. So instead of going to the library, the 3 of us went to the University cafeteria and had some coffee.. Alex then 'interrogated' Kim-chan with regards to her reasons for MIA (Missing-In-Action). :p Seemed like she came back to Japan only on the 26 Sep and had left her AU mobile phone back in Korea, that was why she was uncontactable.. Anyway, everyone is just happy to see her back in school.. so all is forgiven.. :) :)
After sending off Alex (who had class at 10:30am), we met up with Chris. We went to the school canteen to have an early lunch at around 11am.. Again, we talked about what each other was doing the past summer holidays: places that we went, interesting things that happened, etc.. Chris will be going back to US next Mar, while Kim-chan will be going back next Feb.. think after next Mar, only Alex, Chua and me will still be in Waseda..
Around 12pm, we left the canteen. Chris had to go to work, while I have two of my Masters classes at 1pm and 3pm. So Kim-chan and I went to the library to read some newspaper..
The class at 1pm was Basic Theory of Content Industry System by Prof. Sakai. There were about 10 of us in the class. We waited for almost 30 min and still no sign of the Professor.. The Teaching Assistant called the Prof and in the end, there was no class!! Class canceled!! Everyone just wrote down their name and left the room.. Went to the 8th floor of the same building with Juni, the Malaysian lady that I met at the Entrance Ceremony. Checked my emails and surfed the net a bit before going back to the same classroom for the next class..
The next class was interesting.. It was on Industry R&D activities in ICT by speakers from Fujitsu Lab.. The topics were very interesting to me.. So I think I made the right choice choosing this subject, cos this subject was not in my area of study.. It was from the Computer Network area and not Socio-Economy & Policy area..
Got back to my room around 5:30pm.. the sky was pretty dark and the weather is still as depressing as ever, not to mention cold as hell..
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