And the fact that there are statues of the Yakushi Trinity (Yakushi-nyorai and his two attendants, Nikko and Gakko Bosatsu, 薬師如来, 日光菩薩 & 月光菩薩) in one of the Halls.. We paid 500yen each for the entrance fee..
My sis bought a couple of amulets for her friends and classmates.. I didn't really take that many photos here as I have already taken most of the sceneries last summer..
Next stop, Kiyomizu Tera (清水寺), also another must-see in Kyoto.. another reason for wanting to go there early was that last summer, we missed the Jishu Jinja (地主神社), a place to worship for love/relationship/marriage.. :)
Before we reached Jishu Jinja, there was a special exhibition at the main hall of Kiyomizu Tera. It was to travel through the womb of the Mother of Buddha (胎内めぐり).. We had to take off our shoes, then descend into a place that symbolizes the womb. We had to hold on to a rope with our left hand and walk through the "maze" in total darkness. This was to symbolize forsaking all human senses and rebirthing when we reached a stone with a Sanskrit symbol that represents the Mother of Buddha. We could then make a wish upon it.. It was really quite an experience as the "maze" was really really really very dark and I can't even see my own hand even if I were to put it right in front of my face...
In front of the Main hall, there is a office-like building that accepts requests for prayers..By paying amounts ranging from 5,000yen to 150,000yen, worshipers can have specific prayers performed by priests for one week to a year.. They even accept mail order requests!!
My sister tried it but I didn't cos I don't see anything special in this since we know that most human tend to stray to one side while walking with closed eyes and also, if one walks fast, the chances of walking a straight line, thus able to reach the other stones, will be higher.. so.. :P
There are more than one worship locations within Jishu Jinja that caters to many different needs.. like good fortune, happiness, ward off misfortune, and many more, but of course, everyone goes to Jishu Jinja for just one thing - love and marriage.. The sale of amulets and charms was very brisk.. again, my sister bought a couple.. for herself and her friends.. Me? I didn't get any.. :P But I did get my fortune told by choosing a fortune slip (200yen).. and my fortune wasn't good.. I got a "Not-good" (凶) slip which I tied at the side of the temple.. :x :x while my sister got a "minor good" (小吉) slip.. :)
For those who are interested to read more about this Cupid of Japan, go here. Unfortunately, it is in Japanese only..
Last stop of the day, Nanzenji Temple (南禅寺).. Again, this was one of the temples that I had visited last summer, thus not much photos taken here..
Thus concluded the 6th day of my Kansai Trip.. one more day to go..
More photos of Kyoto from Day Six..
p/s: Same photos are in my Facebook photo album.
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