Especially with the imminent demolition of the Kabuki-za (Kabuki Theater) in 2010, I had to go there and watch one full performance.. and I did go.. with my two housemates of course.. :)
We bought the 2nd cheapest tickets which cost ¥4,200 for the evening show.. the top tier ticket cost ¥16,000!! :o which is way too high for poor students like us.. Here is the view of those top tier seats..
The entire afternoon show consisted of 4 different plays.. We decided to watch the Kabuki in its entirety so as to get the totality of the kabuki experience.. As with Chinese opera, the kabuki actors spoke in tones and used phrases that were not normally heard in everyday conversations.. Luckily there were English Earphone Guide available at ¥650, with an addition ¥1000 as deposit.. so we were able to follow the plot.. :)
There were many similarities with Chinese Operas.. including the all-male casts, specialization in roles, elaborate costumes, face paintings, traditional music instruments and many more.. After watching kabuki, I still prefer Chinese opera.. :p
There were 3 intervals between the 4 plays, ranging from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.. Some patrons brought their own food, while some bought theirs from the stores within the building.. The food prices were ridiculously expensive.. Intervals are also opportunities for shops to sell souvenirs and many kabuki-related merchandises.. We just went around tasting the samples provided.. :p
There were many displays of kabuki-related art pieces.. some were for sale, while some weren't.. We also took the opportunity to check out the other seating.. This view was taken during one of the 3 intervals..
We enjoyed the show very much.. and won't mind coming back again.. :)
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