Mar 21, 2012

same old.. same old..

Nothing much to update lately.. just been busy with my usual school stuff.. I have a 3-day week, just like last semester..

Here is my schedule for this semester:

Strategic Management  ( 9am - 12pm ) [audit]
Seminar ( 1 - 3pm )
English Research Writing ( 3 - 4pm )

Tertiary Education Seminar ( 10am - 12pm)

Knowledge Management ( 1 - 4pm)
And recently I've gotten more than my usual translation projects to do.. :) as the computers in my research "lab" have bigger monitors (21 inch compare to my 15 inch laptop), I've been spending lots of time there doing my translations.. :p

thus "same old.. same old.." will be my answer if you ask me how I am doing these past 2 weeks.. :)

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