Apr 5, 2013

a very sian situation

Two nights ago came a request from my Prof's (aka my PhD adviser) other PhD student to help her with her paper.. she needs to get it translated from Chinese to English and my Prof suggested me (that's what she told me over the phone, anyway). She is willing to pay me, but frankly remuneration is the least of my concern for this case.

I am in a dilemma.. If it were somebody else, I would have rejected her straightaway.. the simple reason being that she rubs me the wrong way with her constant bragging about her 'close' relationship with my Prof and the hypocritical 'compliments' she gave me..  Also, I don't think she would be appreciative about my helping her cos she's one of those people who thinks paying me means no favor owed.. Yet I couldn't say NO since my Prof was the one who asked her to look for me for help.. How could I not help without being seen as selfish and unhelpful???

In any case, I am certainly going to charge her for translating, although I can't really ask for my full rates. I am expected to give 'preferential rates' as she is a fellow student of my Prof... :(

Now you know why I hate all those kinds of 'hidden/unspoken' social rules that I'm 'expected' to abide by.. I don't like to ask for flavors because I don't like to be asked to do flavors, unless you are my family, close friends or someone I like/admire/respect/click with... I chose my adviser with care, and unfortunately I got her as a tag-along.. Just hope all these are worth my time and effort..

Update (Apr 05): This 'classmate' of mine called me last night and asked me to start translating from section 2 instead as she said that our Prof has done the introduction for her. She also asked me for a 'favorable' rate.. Bloody hell!! If she doesn't mind her paper appearing disjointed and inconsistent (sad to say, but I'm not impressed with what my Prof has written for her), who am I to argue? As long as my name doesn't appear on that paper, I will do whatever she asked..

* sian is a commonly used word in Malaysia and Singapore. It is wonderfully explained in TalkingCock.com here. 

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