Jul 27, 2014

Europe 2014: foreword

Got back from my Europe trip more than ten days ago. Fell sick almost immediately for a few days due to weather difference, jet lag and insufficient rest/sleep. I did not fall sick during my 23-days trip even when I had walked in the rain for many days in various cities. So I think it was just a matter of time when all the physical exertions and maltreatment of my body inflicted during the trip came back to bite me, with a vengeance. I'm still struggling to get back to sleep before 12 midnight, but I am making progress albeit slowly.

This trip was quite significant because a) I'm attending my first international conference as a PhD student, b) it is the first time I went back to Europe after 2009 and c) I went couchsurfing on my own. The weather wasn't very cooperative but again, it could be worse. Covered many of the places that I wanna go yet there are still some that I missed out. All in all, I really had fun during my trip. :) Met many interesting characters along the way and became friends with several of my CS hosts. I would definitely do this again next year. :) :) :)

Anyway, the end of a long vacation is always followed by the laborious task of sorting and processing the monstrous number of photos I took during the trip. So it may take me a few weeks to sort the photos and write about the places and people that I've experience during my trip. Also instead of writing a day-by-day account, I will write topically which I think will be more interesting. I will try to write as much and as soon as possible while the memories are still fresh although I doubt that I will ever forget some of the more memorable ones any time soon. :)

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