Sep 4, 2008

Losing weight

People have never been able to guess my weight correctly from my appearance (or they were just being polite :p)... I don't look as heavy as I really am but one thing for sure is that I have always been slightly over-weight.. :P From the BMI calculation, my ideal weight would be around 68kg, but I have never been in my ideal weight since my late teens.. Even when I was in the University, playing sports almost everyday for an average of 4 hours a day, I could never keep my weight under 72kg.. When I was working, there was even a time that my weight ballooned to 85kg!! :x But usually, I would hover around 75kg.. It was quite hard for me to keep my weight down when I was in Singapore, as it was almost impossible to resist all the good food!! :p

Now that I am in Japan, there is ample time and good enough reasons for me to lose weight, since everything here is both expensive and monotonous/bland (the choice of affordable food is very very very limited relative to Singapore/Malaysia), and not to mention the fact that I will be in my mid-thirties soon. :x :x

As I know that crash diets and starving myself would not produce healthy and lasting results, I decided to take small steps one at a time.. making small changes to my habits that are sustainable and beneficial in the long run.. I started counting calories, limiting myself to less than 1800kcal a day.. I began to read every food label and nutritional information of every food I buy.. Although I can't always find out the calories count for every single type of food that I eat, I would do everything in moderation... Sometimes I do exceed that amount, but I won't beat myself up over it. And once in a while I do reward myself with my favorite foods.. :)

There will always be dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) in my fridge and also tubs of yogurt.. I will try to get fresh vegetables for at least 3-4 days a week.. I make sure that I drink between 2 to 3 liters of water a day.. Daily stretching and weekly karate sessions are my exercise routines.. will try to start jogging when the weather gets cooler..

So far, my efforts have been quite productive.. I am now nearing 70kg.. hopefully I would be able to achieve my ideal weight of 68kg (BMI of 24) by end of Oct, although I won't mind weighting in the lower ranges of 60kgs.. hopefully.. :p :p

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