Nov 2, 2012


Millions of residents in areas devastated by Superstorm Sandy are still without power. Even when CNN anchors grilled the representatives from the power company, no definitive dates is given as to when power will be restored. And that led me to this conclusion: "We are too dependent on electricity."

Our need for energy is fast becoming insatiable. With all the smartphones, tablets and whatnot that we have and use every day, we are consuming energy like it is free and bountiful. And the truth is far from that. Everyone wants to be connected, 24/7 if possible and unfortunately this need for connection is sucking up loads of energy and resources. Is it that crucial that you check in to every single place you go? Is it that critical to let everyone (on your FB) know immediately that you are at this particular place/restaurant/cafe/wherever?
a walk around the park costs nothing..
 Our dependence on technology has tied our fate ever closer to the availability of energy. Earth Day comes and goes every year. Switching off the electricity for an hour is fun and participation has become a sign of eco-conscious. Yet, are we giving Mother Earth a real breather by going dark just for an hour?? We should have an Earth Hour every day. Stop checking your phone, your messages, your emails and your friends’ FB status every single hour/minute/second. Instead, spare an hour or two and take a walk around your neighborhood or park, play a sport with your friends, or simply sit and look around. Most often than not, the best thing in life is free.

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