Dec 2, 2013

it's Dec already??

Time flies, even when you are not doing anything...

Been a while since my last blog entry. I apologize for the lack of entry.. Hard to sit down and actually write a proper entry these days.. also, I've joined tweetosphere almost a month ago.. and I've been tweeting fairly frequently. for those who wants to follow me, here's my username: @imm_alexis

The weather is getting freaking cold (yeah, what else is new in winter?). I don't really mind the cold, but I hate the wetness. It doesn't snow here, so it rains.. >.< Anyway, since I need to go to school only twice or thrice a week, I spend most of my time in my room - doing my translation, research/readings and watching US TV shows.

I know that I need to get out more often, but I must admit that I am lazy. Also, going out means additional expenses. I'm not one who likes to wander around aimlessly or do window shopping. I need to have a purpose, like going to museums for special exhibitions or climbing certain hills/mountains. All that need prior planning which I need time to do. Anyway, I will put it as one of my new year resolution for next year to go out more often.

Hope to write more the next time. So in the meantime, if you wanna know what I've been up to, follow me on Twitter.. :)

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