Apr 2, 2007

40 min before departure...

I'm currently at KLIA, Cathay Pacific's customer lounge. In 40 minutes, I will be boarding JAL Flight JL0724 to Narita Airport, scheduled departure time is 2250 hours, at Gate C06. The flight should take about 6-7 hours.

So in short, I should be in Japan tomorrow morning, around 6am. In a way, my new life starts now.. I've yet meet any other Scholars, not least those going to Waseda University.

As mentioned before, I'm both excited and terrified. Now, add to that mix of feelings, a sense of dread and doubt. Have I made the right choice? Will I be able to graduate in 3 years with a Masters? Will my Professor approve of me? Will I be 'blur' to all the customs and cultures of how things are done in Japan?

Anyway, now is too late for a U-turn. I will brave on, do my best and hope that it will be enough for me to graduate... :) And also in the same time, I will not deprieve of myself and shall take full advantage of my being a student and tour around Japan, that is the least I owe myself... After almost 9 years of working, I seriously need a break... :)

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