Apr 27, 2007

Weather.. whatever..

The weather here is really crazy, at least that's what I think.... for now..

It can be bright and sunny in the morning, and suddenly in the afternoon, it turns windy and rain non-stop for hours.. Sometimes, it's sunny and windy, and other times, it's rainy and windy... The rain here isn't heavy, but can really last the whole day or even days.. So far, I've noticed that it rained continuously for 3 full days last week.. The rain is more like an irritation than a means for collecting rain water or cooling down the place. It's seldom heavy, and the rain drops are so tiny that sometimes you need to really squint your eyes to see it.. And yet, people can still get wet and get sick because of it..

And the wind... Brrrhhh... It's cold.. It's strong.. In the beginning, waking up seeing the sun outside, I made the mistake of wearing only 1 layer of clothing and a jacket to school.. Along the way to school, (remember that I mentioned that I need to walk about 15-20 min from the train station to my Uni), I would regret not wearing more, cos the wind was howling away and it's soooo freaking COLD!!

According to the average yearly temperature, April is supposed to get warmer, but it hasn't. It's still hovering around 15-18 during the day, and 10-13 at night.. which is just tooooo cold for me.. as the coldest temperature I've ever encountered was 16 degree..

Inside the buildings/classrooms/trains, it is so warm that I'll sweat (because of the clothings I wear) and yet outside it's so cold, due to the wind and sometimes rain.. my body is starting to rebel.. I'm nursing a cough for days now, it's nothing serious, just plain irritating when the urge to cough comes in the most inappropriate time, like in the train or during class... It seemed so impolite to cough or sneeze here. The people here doesn't seems to sneeze, blow their nose, cough or whatever. Everyone seems so polite and composed.. Seemed so inhuman sometimes.. Add to that, my nose acted up the last few days too.. Must be the dust.. My room is locked and windows are closed off, and yet the coat of dust found in my room everyday is unbelievable.. Sometimes I need to hang my laundry in my room, cos the weather outside is so unpredictable, it only made things worse.. And also maybe all the rushing, packing, etc last Mar has finally caught up with me..

Really can't imagine how I am going to survive through the winter here, when I'm already having problem surviving the spring!! Hopefully, I can get used to all these irritants and be well to start enjoying Japan..


Bob Goh said...

I can understand how you feel. Adjusting to new environment never an easy task and it needs time.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Jie, its better to wear more layers of shirts n jacket than wearing 1 thick layer of sweater or pullover so u can take off some when u feel hot inside the building. i always wear 1 t-shirt, 1 thin jacket n a windbreaker or winter jacket when outside n wearing only the t-shirt when i'm indoor.
i'v experienced crazy weather here too. in moscow, it can rain in the morning, get sunny in the afternoon n later snowing in the evening, all in 1 single day, jz like u hv gone through all 4 seasons in jz a single day, haha...
don wory too much, u'll sure get used to the weather there. jz remember to keep urself warm n take more vitamins.