Apr 22, 2007

Waseda University 早稻田大学

Maybe my impression of a University is different.. Maybe I'm too used to see university campus being isolated in some corner of the city.. But here in Waseda, sometimes it's difficult to differentiate, where the University starts/ends. It's situated among the city..

It has several campuses, some within walking distance from one another, while some had to be reached via bullet train..

Below are some photos that i've taken of the Nishi Waseda University Campus..

The famous Okuma Tower in the middle of the Nishi Waseda Campus..

The road leading to the Main Library is lined with sakura trees.. Tail end of the sakura bloom...

The Main Library.. which I've yet to visit..

The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Musuem within the campus, which is opened to public..

Statues of the University's founder...Prof. Shingenobu Okuma

A nice picture with the Tower as the backdrop...

Some of the University building..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ciayo ciayo! :D
Don't worry, I bet you'll do just fine..