Jan 29, 2010

CNY Prep Part I

The thing about being at home with no job is that one tends to get restless.. since one can only go (and stay) online that many hours a day.. I need to find something “physical” to do.. Thus with Chinese New Year (CNY) is about 2 weeks away, I took up several tasks around the house that need to be done..

From the look of this photo, the exterior is seriously in need of a coat of paint.. So it became the first item on my list..

So armed with a roller-brush, a brush and a bucket of paint, I started painting..

This was the first side of the wall that I "attacked" on my first day..

This was after almost 4.5 hours of painting.. starting from 10:30am.. I can't continue because in this town of mine, it usually rains in the early evening around 5pm.. since the paint needs about 2 hours to dry, I stopped at 3pm..

After the second day of painting (also spent around 4.5 hours), the entire wall was nicely painted, including touching up the bottom gaps with the brush as I couldn't reach with the roller-brush..

I finished using a 5ltr bucket of paint on that side of the wall.. My dad bought another 20ltr bucket for the rest of the walls.. as for the color, well, the color was decided by my dad as the previous coat of paint was pinkish, so it would be easier for me to paint over it with the same shade instead of putting up a new color.. also the housing area that I am staying is known to the older folks as "red house area" (红瘄).. :) so we just stick back to pink..

The next side of the wall to be tackled is the front of the house.. with 2 days of experience, I had more or less got the hang of the painting techniques.. blisters are forming on both my hands, but after a while I just got pass the pain.. with fast songs playing on my laptop and the volume turned to the maximum, I forged on..
Left side of the front (main) door.

After painting..

Right side of the front (main) door.

After painting..

So after 3 days and a total of 16 hours of painting, the house now looks like this.. just 2 sides painted..

Another 2 more walls to paint.. plan to spend 1 day on each sides of the wall.. hopefully, I can finish another side of the wall the next day, while saving the back of the house to be painted last.. But I foresee some speed bumps ahead as my body, especially my arms and shoulders are already signaling their protest.. they are weak and aching now.. gonna work through the pain and just maybe gain a pair of nicely toned arms as a bonus.. :p


§nóflèk said...

wow, looking really good there the paint job :) i did think about painting my room with those stencils back when i was still looking for a job hehe

Imm said...

well, yours would be an enhancement to your room, while this paint job is a requirement.. :p