Aug 14, 2012

buah naga..

Continuing from my previous post on my dad's garden.. Other than papayas and bananas, my dad has lots of pitaya in his garden too.. pitaya, or otherwise more commonly referred to as 'dragon fruit'.. Here are some photos that kinda chronicled its fruition..
a small bud on the cactus-like tree
it starts growing.. then it flowers for a day..
the flower dries out and the fruit starts to grow..
a closer look.. dried petals..
a tree can have multiple fruits growing at the same time..
it slowly ripens.. turning red..

all ready to be plucked and eaten..  :)

'Buah naga' as it is called in Malay, is a good source of Vit C and Vit B (B1, B2 and B3), and contains sufficient amount of phosphorus, calcium and antioxidants. It has also became one of my favorite fruits.. :)

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