Apr 12, 2008

Making My Life Difficult...

Yes, that is what I am putting myself through this semester, voluntary... :x :x

As a challenge, I have signed up for 3 economics/finance related classes and 3 IT-technology classes (in areas that I have never done before). On top of these, I have decided to commit myself to 3 Japanese classes this semester (1 Japanese writing and 2 grammar classes)... As the crowning blow, I chose to attend a weekly seminar conducted by one of the most feared and not for the faint-hearted, thus most avoided, Professor in my graduate school...

All in all, for my Masters classes I have a total of 6 books to digest by the end of this semester... so I will be doing lots and lots and lots of reading... :x

1. Economics by Walsh and Stiglitz
2. Principles of Corporate Finance by Brealey and Myers
3. Modern Banking by Heffernan
4. The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law by Landes and Posner
5. Hyperreality - Paradigm for the 3rd Millennium by Tiffin and Terashima
6. Artificial Intelligence: Concept and Theory by Terashima

Seriously, I do not know if I am doing myself a favor or disfavor by putting myself through this, quite unnecessarily many said . Not even in my undergrad years did I have so many books to read... But I think since I am here to get more knowledge to help me move up in my career, I think all these will not be done for nothing.. I always believe that people can take away everything from me, but they can never touch the knowledge that is kept between my ears... :) :)

So what more can I say except 頑張りましょう!!! Gambarimashou!!

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