May 20, 2010

Heroes... retired..

Seemed like we won't be seeing anymore of Claire Bennet, Hiro Nakamura, Sylar, Peter Petreli, Matt Parkman and gang.. as NBC has announced last week that it won't renew the series for its 5th season... :(

Heroes came out on Singapore TV in 2006 and I can still remember how my ex-colleagues and I would get into intense discussions about this drama. Maybe it is the idea that ordinary people having powers that they do not understand and seeing them having problems controlling it that seemed to endear these unlikely heroes to us.. Who won't want to have the ability to move things with our mind, turn invincible, fly, time travel, or any other neat "tricks".. It allowed us to indulge in our own little fantasy, at least for me.. the What-kind-of-power-do-you-wanna-have and the What-would-you-do-if-you-have-powers type of questions were just so much more interesting than what-you-gonna-do-this-weekend ones..

What would you do if you have special "abilities", like they called it in the show? Would you do good? or evil? help people? or yourself? steal? or give? Would hide among the crowd? or show yourself to the world? Many of the ethical and philosophical questions arise from this possibilities.. Things that great thinkers or philosophers wrestle with in their field, trying to get humanity to do the right things when given such "abilities".. And personally, I think these "abilities" will bring out the best or worst in one's character..

This last season's main villain was Samuel, not Sylar as he was just trying to get his own body back by tormenting Matt.. Samuel was played by the same guy who played the murderer and rapist in Prison Break.. it was cool to have another villain other than Sylar as his story arch was getting kinda old..

[spoilers ahead]
In the end, the baddest of them all, Sylar decided he wanna be good and managed to save people (which is kinda hard to believe).. Nathan, the flying senator was finally buried (seriously, I don't see how he is so important other than because his mother made him to be).. Peter still tries to save the world on his own (this guy needs to get a life and maybe see a psychiatrist to sort out his "must-prove-my-existence-to-my-mother issues).. Noah continues to try to protect (and hide) his indestructible daughter, Claire (he need to learn to let go).. Matt tries to be a house-husband and a stay-home dad for little Matty.. Hiro managed to save his Charlie, was cured of his brain tumor and live to save the world again (this guy also need to see a psychiatrist too).. Suresh decided he wants a normal life and leave the "saving the world" part to the others (he made the right choice, in my opinion).. Claire found love in college, was tempted to join the carnival and finally decided not to hide behind shadows anymore..

This season sort of tied up many of the loose ends, but still a couple of them remained hanging.. And the one thing that bugged me the most is why the heck did Claire decided to showcase her "abilities" to the world when she had seen what that future would be like in the previous seasons when Nathan told the world (in Season 2/3)?

Too bad we won't get to see how Sylar would fare as a goodie Heroes.. or how Claire's love life would pan out in college and after she show the world her "abilities".. or is there going to be romance between Peter and Emma? if Peter going to "mentor" Sylar on how to be a good-guy? is Matt happy being a stay-home dad? what other "butterfly" is Hiro going to step on in future? What happened to Micah? and Tracy? Is the government just gonna leave these people with "abilities" alone?

Lots of possibilities that would forever remain unaddressed..


Christine said...

I love the series too but stuck halfway in Season1, I think! That's what happens when you have kids :P

Imm said...

Actually you didn't miss much.. Season 1 was the best.. There were so many twists and turns (some of them illogical) that many people just gave up..