May 31, 2010

Lost... no more...

Another drama series that had come to an end this season is Lost..

It lasted 6 seasons.. which in my opinion, was 3 seasons too long.. the first season was good, with all the suspense and mystery about the island.. then it got lame and stale, as the writers kept creating mystery after mystery without giving us any creditable and believable reasons for them.. Season 3 and 4 were the crappiest.. But Season 5 and 6 were good..

With one in 11 million chances of actually being in a airplane crash and one in 3 chances of surviving if you happened to be in one, it is no wonder that stories about crash survivors are one of the favorite what-ifs scenarios that have been exploited by novels, movies and drama series.. and the emergence of budget airlines like Air Asia made air travel even more accessible to the public.. so there is a huge population out there who would be attracted by such stories if the plot (and its twists) are good enough.. LOST just happened to be the one since 2004..

So did the ending answered all the questions posed all the past seasons? Well, sort of.. the end was pretty acceptable and not some quick "duh!" or "huh?" kinda of ending/explanation.. so no complains from me.. :) But it was good to see the end of this show as the longer it drags on, the more ridiculous the plot/storyline will get cos the show revolved around a mystery, aka the Island can't keep going on.. and there is only so much twists and subplots one show can take before becoming stale and/or preposterous..

The main characters were quite well-written, each with their own background stories and why they did what they did.. Some characters were likable from the start, while some grew on you, but all were crucial in telling this story.. some were tough on the outside, but carried a kind heart.. while some seemed soft/weak, but has a feisty spirit..

So thanks for 6 interesting seasons of "Lost".. Finally, we are "Lost" no more..

p/s: photos in this blog were taken from Wikipedia and no copyright infringement is intended.

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