Jun 1, 2010


Had wanted to blog another matter that is close to my heart, but I just have to get this out from my system..

Why are good people always get put down/bullied/taken advantage of?? Where is the compassion or empathy for trainee doctors? Why are trainee doctors being treated like trash and yet expected to contribute their "invaluable" service 110%? Why do medical doctors, specialists and HOD (Head of Dept) like to "show who is the boss" by making life difficult for trainee doctors, putting them down and treating them worse than a maid, and still want them to have self-confidence?

The current culture in most government department is everyone for themselves.. the camaraderie, the rapport, the cooperation and the willingness to put in an extra effort are all but a myth now.. maybe they existed 20 years, but now no one could remember how it was done and whoever that tried to "revive" it is going to be crucified, taken advantage of or simply burnt-out.. Instead of serving the public like they should be, most, if not all public servants are expected to be served or at least "feared" by the public.. Do you know how some older folks dread talking to any pegawai kerajaan (government officials) in government departments? How many friendly officials have you seen, who is truly sincere in serving the public and really helpful??

Only in Malaysia, public servants can scold or belittle the public and get away with it.. Most of them are either rude, aloof, apathetic or just plain "not-there". To them, the public is a "nuisance". If they can be mean to the public, who is actually their paymaster, just imagine how they are treating their subordinates... Will any subordinate dare to speak up against any injustice/corruption/abuse of power/mistreatment/harassment?? Will any subordinate dare to voice their TRUE opinions when they knew that they would be "blacklisted" forever as a "troublemaker" if they contradict their bosses?? Is there any wonder only "deadwood" and "yes-men" is left in the public sector??

Why do I say so? Cos anyone who is in the public service, especially those qualified medical doctors, are there because they have nowhere else to go.. Seriously is there any "prestige" left in staying in public hospitals? Or any monetary advantage? Those who stayed are either sadist (like to "torture" their trainee doctors, stressing them out just for the fun of it), egoistic (like to pull rank, and order everyone around using seniority), lazy (don't do work or pretend to do work and still get paid) or simply flawed (no EQ, no bedside manners, no empathy).. Does one even need to ask why medical grads are lured away?

Stop appealing to our "loyalty", "morality", "ethics" so that people will stay in this country.. We can't live on "patriotism" alone.. Not when we are always the punching bag and default boogieman whenever the ruling party wanted votes from their own people.. No wonder 400,000 left the country last year.. How many of those will come back? How many are gone forever? The government doesn't seemed to be interested nor want to stop this brain-drain, even though those who left are those whom are really needed to help the country grow..

Actually, the solution to this problem is a no-brainer.. Implement meritocracy and promote/demote according to merits and contributions, not skin-color or religion.. But I think there is no point in flogging this old horse, as things here are beyond remedy.. Old culture die hard and old dogs can't be taught new tricks.. Maybe national bankruptcy is the only way for the country/government to swallow the bitter pill and resolve to a thorough transformation.. Maybe only then would the country grow to its potential..

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