Apr 29, 2011

I'mm 5..

Have you heard about Enneagram of Personality? Do you know which Type you are?

I am a Type 5 - The Investigator or The Thinker.. :) 
 And I am most probably 5w4, if you wanna be more specific..

Some of the things written about Type 5..
Fives are usually somewhat restrained when it comes to emotional expression, but they often have stronger feelings than they let on. Few people know what is going on beneath the surface, as Fives have an often exaggerated need for privacy and a deep seated fear of intrusion. Because of their sensitivity and their fears of inadequacy, Fives fear being overwhelmed, either by the demands of others or by the strength of their own emotions. They sometimes deal with this by developing a minimalistic lifestyle in which they make few demands on others in exchange for few demands being made on them. Other Fives make their peace with the messiness of life and engage it more fully, but they almost always retain their fears that life is somehow going to demand more of them than they can deliver.

~ taken from Eclectic Energies

Behind Fives’ relentless pursuit of knowledge are deep insecurities about their ability to function successfully in the world. Fives feel that they do not have an ability to do things as well as others. But rather than engage directly with activities that might bolster their confidence, Fives “take a step back” into their minds where they feel more capable. Their belief is that from the safety of their minds they will eventually figure out how to do things—and one day rejoin the world.

Fives spend a lot of time observing and contemplating—listening to the sounds of wind or of a synthesizer, or taking notes on the activities in an anthill in their back yard. As they immerse themselves in their observations, they begin to internalize their knowledge and gain a feeling of self-confidence.

~ taken from The Enneagram Institute

How to Get Along with Me
  • Be independent, not clingy.
  • Speak in a straightforward and brief manner.
  • I need time alone to process my feelings and thoughts.
  • Remember that If I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it may be that I am feeling uncomfortable.
  • Make me feel welcome, but not too intensely, or I might doubt your sincerity.
  • If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because it was such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place.
  • don't come on like a bulldozer.
  • Help me to avoid my pet peeves: big parties, other people's loud music, overdone emotions, and intrusions on my privacy.
~ taken from 9types.com

Fives are truly the most independent and idiosyncratic of the personality types, the people who could most appropriately be called "loners" and "misfits." They are people who truly march to a different drummer, pursuing their interests and curiosity wherever their investigations may take them. Some Fives can seem downright odd to people while others keep their "weirdness" more below the surface. In either case, Fives are intensely determined to pursue the questions and ideas that fascinate them: so much so that relationships and financial considerations can become unimportant to them.

~ taken from here

Famous 5s:
St. Thomas Aquinas, Issac Asimov, Tim Burton, Björk, Richard Chamberlain, Agatha Christie, Kurt Cobain, Michael Crichton, Daniel Day-Lewis, René DescartesAmelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, T.S. Eliot, Ralph Fiennes, Jodie Foster, Greta Garbo, Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Stephen Hawking, Alfred Hitchcock, Anthony Hopkins, Howard Hughes, Ted Kaczynski, Franz Kafka, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Stanley Kubrick, Gary Larson, Annie Leibowitz, John Lennon, George Lucas, David Lynch, Sam Neill, Friedrich Nietzsche, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Jean-Paul Sartre, Vincent Van Gogh, Jules Verne.
Fictional characters: Bruce Wayne (Batman), Dilbert, Fox Mulder (X files), Scrooge, Yoda (Star Wars).

~ taken from Enneagram Exploration and Enneagram Institute

So what type are you??

Apr 27, 2011


Tell me what do you think about the following 3 scenarios..
  1. Threaten to ban doctors who are working 36-hour shift from using mobile phones COMPLETELY because the public complained that the doctors are always busy "texting their friends"...
  2. Conduct spot-checks on doctors' quarters and give doctors warning letters for, among other things, not tidying up their rooms and for having TWO pillars on their bed!!
  3. Banning doctors from wearing jeans because it is NOT formal...
When I heard these from my sis, I wasn't surprised at all.. these are the sort of things that our civil service and government are good at.. nitpicking over superficial and unimportant stuff, while avoiding REAL problems..

My thoughts on them..

It is good to remind those who are working from being too engrossed with sms-ing or playing games on their phones but banning mobile phones altogether is NOT the solution. Unless there is serious medical oversight caused by rampant irresponsible usage, mobile phones are crucial in ensuring every doctor on duty is contactable..

If the administration truly wanna ensure no misuse or overuse of the mobile phone for non-work purpose, then they should provide a designated mobile phone to ALL doctors on-duty in ALL wards/departments. That require lots of $$$ which this hospital clearly do not have, since departments here often run out of lab testing solutions, gloves, face masks and other medical supplies..

Seriously, this is a MAJOR violation of basic rights! The hospital has no right to go into doctors' quarters (within the hospital's compound) without permission. These are professional working ADULTS, not some underage juvenile. So what if their rooms are dirty? The hospital administration should look into the reason WHY the rooms are untidy. Frankly, who wants to live in a messy shack? It is administrative incompetence that the doctors do not have sufficient rest time, much less time to do housekeeping.

Also, a warning letter for having two pillows on the bed????? If 2 pillows meant having someone over for the night (which in their dirty mind meant illicit affairs/sex outside marriage/etc.), 3 pillows would then meant having a threesome!?!? Hello!! These are DOCTORS for goodness sake! They must have seen enough penises and vaginas to be struck blind thousand times over if we were to follow the (twisted) "theory" of these high-level narrow-minded moronic bigots.. What consenting adults want to do AFTER office hours behind closed doors are NONE of the hospital's business..

Before they start nitpicking on doctors for their attire, the hospital administration should think things through. If the hospital wants to uphold its professional image, they can decree no torn, low-cut or loose jeans. They should not ban it totally. Cos frankly, jeans are much more comfortable and suitable for female doctors than skirts or other long dresses. Do they want the doctors to be more worried about their attire than their patients?? Jeans and pants allow female doctors to move around more freely without having to worry about issues of "indecency" or "wardrobe malfunction".

Doctors are employees, not slaves. They are in the hospital to save lives, not to look good. If their attire is not hindering them from doing their job, we should leave it to their discretion on what to wear. Doctors are making life and death decisions all the time, yet we can't trust them to make rational decisions regarding their own wardrobe??? How ridiculous is that??!!?

Possible scenarios if these "bright" ideas are implemented:
  • A patient couldn't be saved in time because the nurses can't get hold of the FEW doctors who are on-duty (especially at night) as mobile phones were prohibited.
  • A patient couldn't be saved in time because the doctors on-duty had to go back to their quarters to clean it up as they do not want to be getting warning letters.
  • A patient couldn't be saved in time because the doctors can't react fast enough as they were suffering from chronic pain caused by stiff necks/stiff shoulders/bad backs/etc (due to being allowed only one pillow).
  • A patient couldn't be saved in time because the doctor was trying to make sure her skirt/dress was properly rolled up first before she could get onto the patient's bed to do CPR or whatever that was required to keep the patient alive...
  • A patient couldn't be saved in time because the doctors had to take time to make sure they are "properly attired" before going out and face the public, less they get complained and blacklisted.
When death happens, who is going to answer and be responsible for them?? The doctors, of course! So they are stuck between a rock and a hard place...

With all these absurd hogwash being imposed onto the doctors, compounded with the sadistic working hours, is there any surprises why doctors kept leaving the government hospitals once they received their practicing licenses?? DUH!!!

Apr 25, 2011

aussie masterchef

Currently, I am hooked on season 2 of MasterChef Australia. ..and am watching them over on YouTube.. :)

After following a couple of reality cooking shows from the US, I've noticed some slight differences that I really liked about MCAU..

A. More Supportive
Unlike some of the shows in the US, the judges here are more supportive, giving positive affirmation and encouragement. The judges, Gary Mehigan, George Calombaris and Matt Preston don't use sarcasm, intimidation or give harsh criticism. They always find something good and positive in the dishes to praise and commend. They give constructive suggestions and informative pointers on how to make the dishes better. It is nice to see a reality show that doesn't try to break people down just to get some ratings.

B. More Passionate
MCAU contestants are not trained chefs, they are ordinary people who love to cook. It is really heartening to see people who are so passionate about cooking that they are willing to give up their career (some are lawyers, auditors, engineers or other professionals) to pursue their culinary dream. Some are in their early twenties while some are already in their forties. The love for food knows no boundary and one is never too old to pursue one's dream. :)

C. More Camaraderie
Contestants in MCAU were much more friendlier with one another. There were almost no instances of backstabbing, bitching or badmouthing, among or between them. Everyone is genuinely supportive and helpful. They give compliments freely and encouragement sincerely. They take responsibility, instead of blaming others when things go wrong in a team challenge. They want to succeed but not at the expense of their fellow contestants which I think is very admirable and rare when compared to US reality shows...

D. Nicely Paced
At first glance, MCAU seemed way too lengthy with 84 episodes for Season 2 in 2010. However, this lengthiness actually provides viewers with an opportunity to follow the culinary growth of these contestants - a "front-row seat" in witnessing their transformation from amateur cooks to good chefs.. It is hard not to get emotionally invested and have favorite contestant(s) to root for.

E. More Educational
Every week, both George and Gary would conduct cooking classes for the contestants, showing them what they did wrong in previous cooking challenges and how certain dishes can/should be cooked. We were shown how to fillet a tuna/salmon, shuck oysters and julienning vegetables, among many other useful techniques. And every week, they will invite renown chefs to come and give a tip or two to the contestants. Dishes showcased here appear less intimidating and more achievable by home viewers, unlike those from Top Chef.
Again, all these could be due to the way the show was being edited by the show producers.. but I do believe that Aussies are generally friendlier and more down-to-earth..   :)

All in all, I am really enjoying MCAU.. once I am done with season 2, I will start on Junior MasterChef Australia.. I might not be aspiring to be a great chef, but I do love cooking.. and I definitely love to learn a few cooking tips and some great recipes.. :)

Apr 24, 2011

Sunday Serenade: the blower's daughter

I like Tanya Chua (蔡健雅)'s voice..love most of her songs.. and this song sounded very different from the original version by Damien Rice.. Love the simplicity of just an accompanying guitar..

It is such a sad song... and to think that this song used to be in my playlist.. looping.. over and over again..

The Blower's Daughter
written by Damien Rice

And so it is just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
most of the time
And so it is the shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...
And so it is just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time

And so it is the colder water
The Blower's Daughter
The pupil in denial
Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
my mind...my mind...
'Til I find somebody new

Have a great week ahead! Stay safe and cheery!! :)

Apr 22, 2011

not worth...

One reason why I haven't been blogging much about what's happening in this country is that there is simply way too much ridiculous absurdities going on everyday.. There are so many things that are wrong about the country.. so many things that the government should be doing but isn't.. so many things that the public should know and demanded but don't..

Some of the recent "circus performances"..

Watched a segment of evening news last week that made me laugh and cry at the same time... A BN candidate for the Sarawak state election, a fifty-something-looking guy was crying to the tv crew because someone has thrown some red paint onto his campaign poster.. Imagine seeing a guy, who is old enough to be a grandfather, shedding tears on NATIONAL TV because of some red paint on his posters!! My GOODNESS!! What if he gets shouted at or threaten when he tries to settle some disputes in his constituency.. is he gonna shit his pants??? Such is the "talent" of our so-called "statesmen"... 

Then there was the MACC buffoonery... it is not enough to have just ONE "mysterious" death, we get a sequel!! Either the perpetrator(s) are incredibly stupid pulling the same trick twice or they know they can get away with it AGAIN..  After so many months in court, we are still nowhere close to getting the truth which is as plain and clear as the sun, at least to those who DO have some gray matters between their ears... and I seriously hope that there will be no episode No. 3 to this farce...

Next the crazy deluge of As awarded to SPM candidates few weeks ago.. Now, there is 3 different "A" - A+, A and A-.. maybe in a couple more years, we will have 5 different "A" - A++, A+, A, A- and A-- . Seriously, the grade "A" should be reserved to those who TRULY deserve them - people who produce excellence, not anyone who can regurgitate lock, stock and barrel back to the examination board!! With the grading standards going down and number of As awarded going up, is it any wonder why so many local graduates remain unemployable?

Finally, how can I forget about "the" video that has everyone talking.. everyone, except me.. I don't care who it was who got caught on camera getting laid.. there are so many pressing national issues to look into than to waste government resources investigating such video.. are these people so deprived of "it" that they became upset when they saw someone else getting "it" from a young lady?? In our society, the more something is treated as taboo, the more people get "excited" by it.. sex is as old as human civilization.. get over it!

So many things need fixing in this country yet this government is too busy lining its pocket and fattening its cronies to care... thus it comes as no surprise that it is trying its darnest to stay in power.. bribing, intimidating, tampering, deceiving, fabricating, provoking, denying, twisting, sensationalizing, diverting... using all the tricks in the book and more... doing anything and everything BUT to make this country good (I won't dare to use the word "great" here)..

I refuse to get sucked into these negativity.. and I am sure not gonna waste my time and effort writing about the things that should but will never change..

Apr 20, 2011

i fear

I fear being a failure.
Unable to reach my full potential,
or relegated a footnote trivia.
I want to achieve something special,
turn my life into something consequential.

I fear being useless.
Unable to achieve excellence,
or branded a withered existence.
I want to inspire and influence,
fostering betterment and acceptance.

I fear losing my mind.
Unable to be self-sufficiently free,
or trapped in my body a refugee.
I want to live and die in dignity,
in control of all my physical faculty.

I fear being forgotten.
Unable to leave any impression,
or disappeared from people's recollection.
I want to be remembered as a person,
who is full of wisdom and compassion.

Apr 18, 2011

how many...

How many friends do you have in FB? How many of those do you actually know?

With the prevalence of social media, it is easy to claim that you have tons of friends. Yet, how many will be there when you really need them? how many of them are you willing to do anything for? how many are REAL friends? how many are so-called "friends"?

I for one can't say that I have lots of friends.. I am not friendly and I don't make friends easily..  and I can seemed very unapproachable especially if I don't smile.. but I do have a handful of good friends whom (I think and I hope) I can depend on..  yet, who can really tell before that moment of need? Some whom I consider as close/good friends might not reciprocate my view of our relationship. We can't force people to be our friends if they don't want to, right?

It goes without saying that it feels good to have someone to care about you.. and it is good to care for someone.. Joy is multiplied when you have people to share it with... It might be a delicate art to enjoy your time alone, but it sure is an acquired skill to share your happiness.. In SG, I never invited anyone to my house but I soon grew to love having friends over for dinner while in Japan. .. cos seriously, what can be more enjoyable than having good food with great company? :)

Of course, friends ain't just about having good times together.. friends share doubts, worries and insecurities too.. friends make time for each other.. even if not physically present, friends provide emotional and mental support for one another.. friends listen without judging.. friends are precious gifts that require constant attention and care.. friends are forever.... or at least these are my interpretation and principles when it comes to friends...

People come together and become friends.. but more often than we want to admit, friends too can drift apart and relegate to just being acquaintances or even strangers.. Fate is unpredictable.. some friends are here to stay while some will always remain passersby..

It is a tussle between how MANY friends you THINK you have versus how FEW friends you ACTUALLY have. What say you?

Apr 17, 2011

Sunday Serenade: the story

Heard this song in the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy (Season 7 episode 18) and it made me cry.. (ya, seemed like my tears visit me pretty often nowadays.. :x )..
You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
All of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what I've been through
I really do think it is a very beautiful song sang by a very good singer...

The Story
performed by Sara Ramirez

All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true, I was made for you

I climbed across the mountaintops
Swam across the ocean blue
I cross over lines and I broke all the rules
And baby I broke them all for you
Oh because even when I was flat broke
You made me feel like a million bucks
You do, I was made for you

You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
All of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what I've been through
Like you do, and I was made for you

All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am

Oh but these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true, I was made for you
Oh yeah, and it's true that I was made for you

 Have a great week ahead! Stay safe and cheery!!

Apr 15, 2011

not going..

Decided not to visit Thailand.. Been planning for the trip for a long while.. had wanted to visit many of the famous temples.. had wanted to experience the water market.. had wanted to go for night cycling tours.. had wanted to go for Thai cooking classes.. had wanted to go for Thai massages and also learn how to do one.. had wanted to visit an elephant sanctuary.. had wanted to take a train up to Chiang Mai and enjoy the fantastic scenery along the way.. had wanted to try all the tasty local food.. had wanted to do lots of things, but in the end, decided not to go ahead with it..

Truth be told, Thailand was never in my "must-visit" list..  My main reason of visiting The Land of A Thousand Smiles was to meet up with a couple of Thai friends that I've made during my stay in Japan.. unfortunately, friends do drifted apart.. and the warm welcome that I was hoping didn't seem to be presenting itself at all.. Maybe I am being too sentimental (clinging on to those "good old times") when others have clearly moved on with their lives.. :(

With that main motivating factor gone, other concerns presented themselves more strongly and swayed my decision.. Money is always a concern, with me being jobless for most of the past 18 months, and even when I was gonna be on a fairly tight budget (especially for lodging), I would still be spending at least MYR$2K for this 14-day trip that I know I would feel better keeping them in the bank..

Also, you can call me a snob but I am never interested in visiting 3rd world or developing countries.. So no India, Indo-China or Africa for me, unless of course there are some special events happening or I have good traveling partner(s)..  I don't need to experience or "learn" about poverty and suffering.  I have enough experiences in those, thank you very much..

And the last "against" factor is that it is a huge chore for me to get to the airport.. with no  public transport available, I would need to drive or be driven to the Penang airport which is about 2 hours away (if there is no traffic jams along the way). I don't want to inconvenience anyone just so I can go traveling.. It just doesn't seemed right to me..

Anyway, I might have canceled my BKK trip but I have not stopped dreaming about going places.. :) :)

Apr 13, 2011

i love

I love to read.
Finishing books in good speed,
from philosophy to classic whodunit;
a hobby that is simple and cheap,
yet enough to satisfy my knowledge greed..

I love to cook.
Serving all the best food,
simply love to see that satisfied look;
don't like following any cookbook,
prefer to just go with my mood..

I love to travel.
Seeing all the world's marvel,
better than just reading novels;
in celebrations and culture I revel,
and seeing my life's adventure unravel..

I love to love.
Finding someone we deserve,
takes lots of efforts and steel nerve;
in this world I continue to surf,
hoping to soon find my one truelove..

Apr 12, 2011

how big..

How big do you want your dream house/room to be? Or how big is your current house/room?

After staying in a varied types of houses over my lifetime, from a semi-D, a terraced house, a double-story shop-lot, a WWII semi wooden house (in Malaysia) to a 4-bedroom flat, a 4-room condo, a 3-bedroom flat (in Singapore) to a less than 180 sq ft room (in Japan), I realized that I don't need a big house.. 

I like the coziness of a small house/room or a studio apartment.. I just needed a place to unwind, sleep and maybe entertain a few friends once in a while.. it can be under 500 sq ft since it doesn't really bother me.. airy with adequate sunlight.. ceiling bookshelves on one of the walls, home to all my books and my little angels..  a nice comfortable armchair.. a small but well-equipped kitchen.. and I don't mind having a (balcony with) good view too..  :) :) 

Of course I won't mind owning a 3-bedroom apartment, if I can afford it.. A master bedroom, a R&R room and a guest bedroom.. :) The master bedroom will be my private sanctuary, with nice wardrobes, nightstand and a comfy king-sized bed.. :) My study/writing table, my desktop computer (with a 28 inch monitor), my books and my angel collections will be in the R&R room with a reading corner that comes with a comfortable armchair and a nice standing lamp.. finally, a simple guest room for family/friends who comes to visit.. 

Most of the time I don't get why people would want a ridiculously big house, with a number of rooms, b number of bedrooms, c number of bathrooms, d number of dining rooms, e number of living rooms, number of library/study rooms and g number of kitchen/pantry... You can only sleep in ONE bed, thus you only need ONE bedroom.. You can only occupy ONE toilet, thus you only need ONE bathroom.. You can only eat at ONE table, thus you only need ONE dining room.. You can only sit on ONE sofa watching ONE TV, thus you only need ONE living room.. Why waste all the resources building and then up-keeping all these unused spaces?? To me, it is just classic vanity and egoism.. 

I will love having my own place.. yet I have no idea where it will be.. Don't think I will get a house in this country.. it must be within walking distance to all the things I need... I don't like to own cars, maybe just a bicycle.. I don't want to waste my time, energy and $$ to maintain and worry about something that depreciates and pollutes.. public transport will do just fine for me, thank you..

It is a battle between how BIG a house do you NEED versus how SMALL a house do you WANT. So what say you?

Apr 10, 2011

Sunday Serenade: raise your glass

Although I'm not a big fan of P!nk, I can't help but like this latest song of hers..
So raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways
:) :) :) :)

Raise Your Glass
performed by P!nk

Right right, turn off the lights
We gonna lose our minds tonight
What's the dealio?

I love when it's all too much
5am turn the radio up
where's the rock and roll?

Party crasher, pantie snatcher
Call me up if you a gangsta
Don't be fancy, just get dancey
Why so serious..?

So raise your glass if you are wrong
In all the right ways
All my underdogs
We will never be never be
Anything but loud
And nitty-gritty dirty little freaks

Won't you come and come on and raise your glass
Just come on and come on and raise your glass

Slam slam, oh hot damn
What part of party don't you understand?
Wish you'd just freak out
Can't stop coming in hot
I should be locked up right on the spot
It's so on right now

Party crasher, panty snatcher
Call me up if you a gangsta
Don't be fancy, just get dancy
Why so serious..?

So raise your glass if you are wrong
In all the right ways
All my underdogs
We will never be never be
Anything but loud
And nitty-gritty dirty little freaks

Won't you come and come on and raise your glass
Just come on and come on and raise your glass

Won't you come and come on and raise your glass
Just come on and come on and raise your glass

Oh shit, my glass is empty
That sucks
So if you're too school for cool
And you're treated like a fool
You can choose to let it go
We can always we can always
Party on our own

So raise your (aw fuck)
So raise your glass if you are wrong
In all the right ways
All my underdogs
We will never be never be
Anything but loud
And nitty-gritty dirty little freaks

So raise your glass if you are wrong
In all the right ways
All my underdogs
We will never be never be
Anything but loud
And nitty-gritty dirty little freaks

Won't you come and come on and raise your glass
Just come on and come on and raise your glass

Won't you come and come on and raise your glass for me
Just come on and come on and raise your glass for me

Have a great week ahead! Stay safe and cheery!

Apr 8, 2011

hibernating cook

Been watching lots of reality cooking shows lately.. Top Chef: All Star, Top Chef: Just Desserts, The Next Iron Chef, Hell's Kitchen... and all the culinary displays in those shows really make me miss cooking.. A LOT!

I like to cook... yet, I haven't been cooking very much since coming back from JP... :(

Ironically, being back in a country that has all the familiar ingredients that I love to use for cooking doesn't entice me into cooking more often.. why? because of the difficulty in getting FRESH produce.. One has to drive more than 20 minutes just to get to a grocery store or a (wet) market, unlike in JP or SG.. here, my mum does all the grocery shopping....

Secondly, I don't like my kitchen.. or should I say, my mum's kitchen.. It is a very cramped kitchen, with only 1 washing sink and 1 gas burner.. the preparation table is too low for my liking.. cooking utensils being stored in places that only my mum knows.. not having the spices that I like to work with.. I just feel out of place in there..

Most importantly, there is no one to appreciate my cooking.. my parents do not put much emphasize on the enjoyment of food.. for them, a meal is just to fill the stomach and get the required energy to work.. plus their concept of nutrition means each meal must have chicken, fish or pork (my mum don't allow beef due to religious reasons and no lamb as she says it smells..), so there isn't much leeway for me to cook dishes that I like which sometimes might just be a soup or vegetable (dishes)..

one of my favorite concoction - cucur udang (prawn fritters)

With so many "restrictions", it is hard to follow my taste buds and/or mood and cook whatever I would like to eat for the day.. While in JP and SG, I would go to the market and look at what is on sale for the day, then decide the dishes that I would like to cook and eat for the day.. sometimes with cravings, I would hunt down the needed ingredients or improvise/customize whatever I could get.. :) it was a fun process that I enjoyed immensely..

The reason I prefer cooking to baking is that I can be less rigid.. I don't have to follow the recipe exactly, if I don't want to.. I can't do that with pastry or cakes, where precise measurements are required..  I can take a dish, mold it and/or add in my own twist.. it is this freedom of expression that I like in cooking.. this is quite the opposite of how I usually do things.. I think this is a way for me to "go with the flow".. ;)
Darn! I really miss cooking.. I miss having friends over for dinner.. and most of all, I miss the look(s) of satisfaction and enjoyment when people taste my food.. of course, it will be an icing on the cake if there is someone (special) for me to cook for..

p/s: for those who are interested in the recipes showcased in Top Chef, check out this website.. once I am living on my own, I will definitely try some of the dishes there.. they look so interesting and appetizing!

Apr 6, 2011

Kota Kinabalu: misc

A couple more photos, mostly of the airports.....
Penang Airport.. 5.30am in the morning..
LCCT.. around 8.30am..
Waiting to board.. to KK..
watched 2 movies at Suria Sabah.. "I am Number Four" and "The Fighter" @$6 each..
flight delayed for more than 2 hours.. long queue for a flight earlier in KK airport..

Some observations after visiting KK..
  • My subconscious tendency to identify the race of a person suffers a malfunction when I saw people in various different shades of skin color.. in the end, I ignored it and simply accepted the fact that everyone is my fellow countrymen! :)
  • There seemed to be no differentiation among races, with everyone working closely together.. Be it in restaurants, shops or markets.. I can really sense the unity, with no segregation nor differentiation of "WE" and "THEM"..
  • Everyone eats in the same restaurant. They don't seem to be as hang-up about what is permissible as those in the Peninsular...
And so this wraps up my short trip to the Land Beneath the Wind.. Hopefully, I will be able to visit The Land of A Thousand Smiles soon.. :)

So stay tune!

Apr 4, 2011

double four..

Today a bad day they say,
because of two fours.
Double digit, twice the "suay"*,
or so said the lore..

Four sounded like death,
if you pronounced it in Chinese.
Breathing our last breath,
everyone will become deceased.

*suay means misfortune or bad luck in Hokkien.



Apr 3, 2011

Sunday Serenade: gotta be somebody

Prefer this version by Nickelback (to Shayne Ward).. again, I like the lyrics a lot, especially the chorus.. :)

`Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There`s gotta be somebody for me like that.

`Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere.
There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.

Gotta be Somebody

This time I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing.
I'll know it by the feeling.
The moment when we're meeting
We'll play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I`ll be holding my own breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with

`Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There`s gotta be somebody for me like that.

`Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere.
There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.
[end of chorus]

Tonight out on the street out in the moonlight
And damn it this feels too right
It's just like Deja Vu
Me standing here with you
So I'll be holdin`my breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with?


You can't give up!
When you're looking for that diamond in the rough
Because you never know but when it shows up
Make sure you're holdin` on
˜Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on

˜Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There has gotta be somebody for me

Nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.

Nobody wants to be the last one there
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There has gotta be somebody for me out there.

You can also watch the official music video here -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0VRj2uw9L0

Have a great week ahead! Stay safe and cheery!