Apr 22, 2011

not worth...

One reason why I haven't been blogging much about what's happening in this country is that there is simply way too much ridiculous absurdities going on everyday.. There are so many things that are wrong about the country.. so many things that the government should be doing but isn't.. so many things that the public should know and demanded but don't..

Some of the recent "circus performances"..

Watched a segment of evening news last week that made me laugh and cry at the same time... A BN candidate for the Sarawak state election, a fifty-something-looking guy was crying to the tv crew because someone has thrown some red paint onto his campaign poster.. Imagine seeing a guy, who is old enough to be a grandfather, shedding tears on NATIONAL TV because of some red paint on his posters!! My GOODNESS!! What if he gets shouted at or threaten when he tries to settle some disputes in his constituency.. is he gonna shit his pants??? Such is the "talent" of our so-called "statesmen"... 

Then there was the MACC buffoonery... it is not enough to have just ONE "mysterious" death, we get a sequel!! Either the perpetrator(s) are incredibly stupid pulling the same trick twice or they know they can get away with it AGAIN..  After so many months in court, we are still nowhere close to getting the truth which is as plain and clear as the sun, at least to those who DO have some gray matters between their ears... and I seriously hope that there will be no episode No. 3 to this farce...

Next the crazy deluge of As awarded to SPM candidates few weeks ago.. Now, there is 3 different "A" - A+, A and A-.. maybe in a couple more years, we will have 5 different "A" - A++, A+, A, A- and A-- . Seriously, the grade "A" should be reserved to those who TRULY deserve them - people who produce excellence, not anyone who can regurgitate lock, stock and barrel back to the examination board!! With the grading standards going down and number of As awarded going up, is it any wonder why so many local graduates remain unemployable?

Finally, how can I forget about "the" video that has everyone talking.. everyone, except me.. I don't care who it was who got caught on camera getting laid.. there are so many pressing national issues to look into than to waste government resources investigating such video.. are these people so deprived of "it" that they became upset when they saw someone else getting "it" from a young lady?? In our society, the more something is treated as taboo, the more people get "excited" by it.. sex is as old as human civilization.. get over it!

So many things need fixing in this country yet this government is too busy lining its pocket and fattening its cronies to care... thus it comes as no surprise that it is trying its darnest to stay in power.. bribing, intimidating, tampering, deceiving, fabricating, provoking, denying, twisting, sensationalizing, diverting... using all the tricks in the book and more... doing anything and everything BUT to make this country good (I won't dare to use the word "great" here)..

I refuse to get sucked into these negativity.. and I am sure not gonna waste my time and effort writing about the things that should but will never change..

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