Apr 26, 2012

Tarot readings... X

Unbelievably, I've been so busy that I've forgotten to do my routine 3-month readings.. so I am late by almost 1 month! Using the same application that I did previously to "see" my fortune for the next 3 months. Note that all pictures of tarot cards are from http://phpbb-tw.net/phpbb/thoth/ and there is no intention of infringing any copyright.

没想到我会忙到忘了我每3个月必做的占卜。。 我还是利用以往相同的占卜程式为接下来的三个月的运程占卜一下了所有的塔罗图片都采自竹猫星球塔罗馆 (http://phpbb-tw.net/phpbb/thoth),本部落并无意侵犯版权。

對 學  業 進行占卜,結果為:
Pertaining your luck in: Job-hunting:

現狀 Current Situation: 女教皇 [The Priestess]

You are dedicated to your studies, and you are fairly gifted in it. You can easily understand things that are difficult to others. You are often admired and respected. However, you do lack in extra-curriculum activities.

問題 Problem : 皇帝 [The Emperor]

Although you are doing quite well academically, you incur the jealousy of others. As you are not very good in small talks, you are often misunderstood as being proud.

建議 Suggestion: 隱者 [The Hermit]

If you are unhappy with your study habits, you can try to find a tutor or someone to help you. Keeping your study area quiet will help in your study.

健康運勢 進行占卜,結果為:
Pertaining your luck in : Health

現狀 Current Situation: 月亮 [The Moon]

Your body is sensitive and thus might easily get addicted to drugs or alcohol. You tend to worry too much and that might cause some psychological problems. Or you might have some ailments and delay from seeking treatment. This will cause major problems.

問題 Problem: 教皇 [The Hierophant]

As your lifestyle is pretty routine, you tend to ignore small problems. Slowly, these small complains will become your chronic problems. Thus it is better for you to be aware of them.

建議 Suggestion: 賢者 [The Magus]

You need to adjust your health consciousness according to your lifestyle and work routine. You cannot keep to the same routine all the way. You need to be aware of your body changes and keep up to date with the current health information.

財運 進行占卜,結果為:
Pertaining your luck in : Money Matters

現狀 Current Situation: 調整 [Adjustment]

You know how to budget and spend within your means. You have good financial knowledge, so you won't be in need of money. However, you won't have much side income.

問題 Problem: 戀人 [The Lovers]

You don't really have much concept about money. You spend as you earn and you don't really notice where it went. This type of attitude has resulted in you not being able to have any saving, no matter how much you earn.

建議 Suggestion: 死亡 [Death]

Since you are running out of new options, you must forsake the old ways in order to create new ones. You should not hide behind your sense of security. You need to step out of your comfort zone to be able to find new sources of income.

人際運勢 進行占卜,結果為:
Pertaining your luck in : Human Relationships

現狀 Current Situation: 教皇 [The Hierophant]

Friends trust you and think that you are calm and methodical. You gives people a peace of mind. You are accustomed being the "consultant" among friends. You have a stable group of friends.

問題 Problem: 女教皇 [The Priestess]

Among friends, you are one who dislike mindless ramblings and time wasting with a whole bunch of people. You like to read book or do your own thing which might cause some friends to perceive you as being cold or uninteresting.

建議 Suggestion: 戰車 [The Chariot]

When you are impatient, try not to speak so as not to damage things beyond repair. This card tells you that the current stalemate is temporary and things will clear-up in a while.

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