Jun 19, 2007


The weather in the past week has not been good.. I know.. I shouldn't be complaining about the weather in almost all my recent blogs, but I just cant help it..

The sun rises at around 4:30am and by 5am, it's at the brightest... so almost everyday I woke up before the alarm rings cos the sky is already so bright!! I set my alarm to ring at 7am, but very often I will wake up at around 5am and then will try to sleep again till 7am.. so for the last 2 hours, the quality of my sleep isn't very good, as I am afraid to sleep too soundly less I overslept.... As the weather is getting hotter and becoming more wind-less, I had to leave my windows open for ventilation purposes, so closing the window curtains are out of the questions unless I switch on the air-condition, which will mean higher electricity bills...

So far, this has not seriously affect my concentration during class (aka the lack of quality sleep) but it had (more or less) affected my health.. Was feeling heavy headed and feverish the last few weeks... Hopefully my body can get used to this and adapt accordingly...

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