Jul 27, 2007

2 days after...

When I reached my dorm on 25 Jul around 6:30pm, the only thing on my mind was to get a bath and rest my over-worked body.. After the bath, I felt slightly more refreshed.. I took out the dirty laundries and air the backpack.. I even took a picture of my bruised right knee..

Took some panadol (aspirin) and some vitamin C. My body was very tired, but somehow my mind wasn't about to go to sleep.. I sort-of just lied on my back, with my legs raised and supported by the futon and stoned-out.. I managed to doze off and fell asleep after a while...

The next day (26th Jul), I woke up, my body felt like it wasn't mine anymore.. Both my legs ached so much that I couldn't even turn my body!! :# Never felt so much pain in my lower limps in my whole life.. I practically had to drag my legs up one by one to get up. I had to push myself up to just stand up.. I need hold onto the walls to make my way to the toilet.. And not to mention, what an agony it was to sit on the toilet bowl and to get back up on my feet... There was no way I could go out to buy food.. Luckily, I had stocked up my fridge and there are enough food for 3 days, even if I can't go out..

Today, which is the 2nd day after the trip, the aching has sort of subsided.. My lower limps are still sored and aching, but compared to yesterday, I felt much much better.. Although the bruises on the right knee looked worst than yesterday, I can bend it without much pain... My calves still hurt but it's manageable now.. This morning I went out to the nearby convenient store to get myself a bento and some bread.. Did my laundries too.. Another 2 more days, I should be able to function as normal.. :p

This trip to Mt Fuji has made me learned more about myself.. I was surprised that I was able to command my body to work beyond it's limit.. On the way down, my body wanted to give up, but my mind wouldnt allow it.. 从没想过自己的意志力还算蛮强的,可以一直主导着已经疲惫不堪的身体,特别是双腿,不断地忍着酸痛及疼痛下山。。所谓Mind over Matter,这句话我现在才真正了解并体会到, 原来人的念力和意志力是份多么深不可测的力量啊!

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