Jul 7, 2007


Tomorrow I will have the entrance presentation exam for the graduate school I want to enroll at around 1pm...

The presentation slides have been completed and I have gone through it several times.. I'm not so nervous about the presentation.. but more of the questions that might be asked by the panel of professors... :#

On one hand, I know I have more advantages than most of the fresh graduates, ie more experience in attending interviews. Add to that, I have given a fair share of presentations to not feel (as) nervous.. But I have yet been to an academic-based interview.. Although it is going to be a 5-min presentation, followed by a 10-min Q&A, but I think it is going to be the longest 15-min for me these few years, and no, it wouldn't be the longest 15-min of my life :).....

Hopefully everything will go smoothly tomorrow.. 保佑!保佑!

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