Jul 11, 2008

30% done..

Okay, just had the most (mentally) torturing Japanese grammar tests today... :x :x Passing them should be doable, but I don't think there is any possibility for me to score an A for them.. :( :( :( Well, I can't have everything my way, can't I??

Well, anyway I still have 2 more tests to go next week, but they are not as stressful as the Japanese grammar tests... Next Tuesday an open-book quiz which I think should be a breeze, while the Japanese written test next Thursday would be slightly more challenging but since the Sensei allowed us to use electronic dictionaries (that shows how horrible we are.. :p), I think it wouldn't be too tough..

What is left now is tons of reports to write.. :( :( :( Let me list them down...

14 Jul -> 1 report (ID: 3212), at least 2 pages..
18 Jul -> My practice report - Have yet to revise and rewrite certain portions of the report after receiving feedback from my Professor.
22 Jul -> 2 reports (ID:1231), at least 2 pages each..
24 Jul -> 5 reports (ID: 3502), at least 2 pages each
Theme Research Report - I have submitted my first draft and am awaiting feedback from my Professor.

So all in all, I need to gather lots of information/data and write tons of stuffs which I don't think will be of any use in future.. but well, these are the requirements for these subjects.. so.. I will just do it..... :)

1 comment:

KittyCat said...

Wow...you have so much homework to do, I daren't tag you.

Anyway, do this when you've finished ok? Would love to catch up on your reading after all these years LOL

The Bookworm's tag