Dec 10, 2009

Australia 2009: TV shows

Haven't watched so many kids program on television since..don't know when.. but a very long time, I must say.. :)

After more than two weeks of "hanging around" with a 4-year old and a 2-year old, I have seen my fair share of kids programs.. but seriously, some of those programs are very interesting.. even for adults!! :p

Live shows like "The Wiggles", "Hi-5", "In the Night Garden", "Thomas and Friends", "dirtgirlworld" and Rio's favorite, "Play School".. and lots of kids cartoons, like "Scooby-Doo", "Looney Tunes", "Tom and Jerry", "Transformers", "Roary, the racing car", "Hello, Kai-lan", "Olivia", "Arthur", "Diego" and many more..

It is interesting to watch the kids watch those shows.. their facial expressions and reactions are so cute.. :) :) Rio would try to follow every moves of the characters during the sing-along, while Cody would try to explain to me why they are doing that or what will happen next..

Sometimes Rio would want me to sit beside him when he watches the show.. sometimes he would show me his imitation of what he saw on the TV.. sometimes he would repeat what he heard to me.. most of the time he just laughs and sing along, mumbling the lyrics in his cute little voice..

Ah... kids.. :) :) :)

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