Nov 14, 2007

Karate session today

As usual, today being a Wednesday is my weekly karate day.. and I was suprised to see the founder of this branch of karate present and not my Sensei.. seems like my Sensei and his wife has taken a leave of absence today and Mr Narikawa (the founder) is here to cover 'duty' so-to-speak.. So today we had our 师公 (meaning Sensei of my Sensei in Chinese) as our instructor today.. :)

His lesson was slightly more relax but no less rigorous.. He didn't go through a lot of steps or stances, but he wanted us to do more repetitions which really tested our stamina.. My thighs are aching right now, and I think they might become worse tomorrow.. but all these were very good exercises which I had been lacking for a while as I don't jog anymore since I arrived in Japan.. And frankly speaking, I do feel that my body is in a better shape than it has ever been for the last couple of years.. My body is slightly more flexible now.. :p

Found out today that there will be another promotion exam on 12 Dec. I will definitely take it! I wanna go as far as I can, within my capability.. the kata that is going to be tested for 9-kyu is called Heian-Shodan (平安初段) which I think I had memorized quite well as compared to Taisabaki-no-kata (体捌の形) during my first exam last Sep.. so I think I'm pretty confident that I would be able to pass this next exam.. :)

Think I better rest early today.. body start to ache.. It was a good foresight to have arranged my classes in such a way that Thursdays are no-lesson days for me, so I can recuperate from Wednesday nights karate sessions.. :p :p

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