Oct 5, 2010


I am good..
but would be better if I could
find a place to settle down,
or simply a place to call my own,
that I can be free from all expectations..

I am good..
but would be better if I could
meet up with friends and chat,
about nothing and everything in life,
that seemed to have passed me by..

I am good..
but would be better if I could
have someone to love and share,
my hopes, my dreams, not just my despair,
that is becoming too heavy alone to bear..

I am good..
but would be better if I could
vanquish completely and utterly,
those misgiving, self-doubt and anxiety,
that still haunt me sometimes at night..

I am good..
but would be better if I could
come out with a good challenge,
that would reignite my competitiveness,
which has since been lost and yet to be found..

I am good..
but would be better if I could
just know what I am here on Earth for,
that I could spend my time and energy on achieving it,
rather than wasting them thinking and contemplating on the "what-ifs"..

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