Mar 26, 2010

Earth Hour 2010

Once again, it is time for Earth Hour.. For those who still don't know about it, Earth Hour 2010 will be on Saturday Mar 27, 8:30pm - 9:30pm, which is tomorrow..

As I was staying alone the past 2 years in Japan, doing my part was easy.. I just switched off all my appliances and sit in the dark for that hour.. doing some "soul-searching" and "deep-thinking" with no distraction, especially from the Internet..

This year, I too will be participating in this one-hour lights-off initiative.. actually, my whole family will be doing so.. I didn't realize that my parents knew about the Earth Hour until I told them I wanted to join in a couple of days ago.. In fact, they switched off all the lights in the house last year during Earth Hour 2009!!

So how am I going to keep myself busy during that one hour this time? Well, I found some good suggestions from the Internet.. Maybe I will look through all my old photos by the candlelight or go out and gaze at the stars above.. :)

Are you going to join Earth Hour 2010 and do your part?

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