Jun 6, 2011

luck luck (6.6)

Today is the 157th day of the year and there is 208 more days to go.. in a way today is both 6.6 (the 6th day of the 6th month on the Gregorian calendar) and 5.5 (the 5th day of the 5th month on the lunar calendar)... 

Today is also Duanwu Festival (aka Dragon Boat Festival).. unlike last year, my mum decided not to make rice dumplings this year.. so nothing to show and tell here..

For those who don't know, the number six is pronounced as 'luck' in Hokkien and since today is the 6th of June, that means it is doubly lucky today!! ;) :) "luck luck want want".. :) :)

This time last year, I was pretty depressed as nothing seemed to be going my way.. I was having self-doubts.. I was fairly pissed with the government, and still am.. I just feel down... It is time for some silver linings or just a tiny sparkle of light at this unbearably long tunnel... Hopefully, my luck shall be turning for the better from this day onwards..

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