Oct 19, 2007

Come on... let's swear more at work!!

According to researchers at the University of East Anglia in the eastern English city of Norwich, "regular use of profanity can express and reinforce solidarity among staff, enabling them to express feelings such as frustration, and develop social relationships."

WOW! There are people out there who actually do such research??!! Good for them I would say... Why? Cos I am quite a believer of swearing.. ;)

Oh no, don't get me wrong... I don't mean mindless swearing nor do I approve of one beginning/ending each sentence spoken with a vulgarity.. What I meant is that if you are pissed off, swear it out (loud or just audible to yourself).. Suppressing frustration or anger by pretending nothing had happened is bad to your own health. Of course, you can delay the swearing if you are in an unsuitable situation to swear out loudly immediately..

But I think everyone who has worked before would agree that whenever a couple of us (colleagues) sit down together/meet up, either for breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner or supper, whenever we talk about our bosses and/or our jobs, we all have our complaints and frustrations to curse and swear about. It really does "enhanced" the sense of camaraderies between us because we know that we are not alone in feeling that particular way.. It also shows that the other person(s) shares the same view/fate/frustration/etc with us.. it is this sharing of common 'experience' that builds solidarity among colleagues.. it is like the mentality of 'us' against 'them'..

And I must admit I missed those days in my last company where Handy would have his 'parliament sessions'.. :) We used to just crowd around at the back of Command Center and talk nonsense for a while (sometimes for 2 hours straight :p ).. All of us, from the Server Team to the Application Team would just 'condemn/criticize/crucify' our bosses and/or bosses' boss/etc.. No one in the management was spared from the 'debates' of our 'parliament sessions'.. Then just as how it had started, it would 'dissolved' almost unanimously. Everyone would go back to their work station, maybe not happily but at least satisfied, knowing that they are not alone in feeling frustrated/pissed. Everyone was on the same boat and everyone was more than happy to share the workload so that everyone can go home on time.. There was no back-stabbing, no jocking for positions and definitely no free-riding within the team. Everyone pulled their weight, did their part and helped the others. That was the sense of camaraderie that I liked.. That was the kind of bond that I would like to be a part of.. where 'One for All and All for One' really rang true...

Thus I would say that the last 3 years in that M.N.C. was one of the highlights of my professional life so far.. Thanks Edmund, Daniel, Henny and Fitri... It was really my pleasure and good fortune to have had the chance to work with you guys/gals in the OSPS team.. And same to Jeff, Handy, Allan, Bernard and Johnson, our team won't be able to do much without the server team.. we were all in the same boat and we all made very sure that we don't sink with it.... :)

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