Aug 23, 2007

Age is not a secret..

At least it isn't to me.. :)

Whenever people ask me for my age, I will tell them readily. I won't try to subtract a few years nor would I insist that I'm 'only' XX years old.. To me, age is a fact. Period. It is like a testimony of how many years I have spent in this world.. Although I won't know how many more years ahead I have, at least I am proud to tell the world how many years I've spend living. And frankly, lying is never my forte. So instead of worrying if I've given out my correct-fake age, I just tell the truth. In this way, I can save a lot of my neurons and brain cells from storing another piece of useless information.. :p

Also, I am proud that I was born in the year of the Tiger... I love tigers, among all the animals within the animal kingdom, and dolphin is a distant second...

In Wikipedia, "The tiger is solitary and territorial, preferring cover in deep forest, but also ranging in open areas. ... Adult tigers are territorial and fiercely defensive.." and for those born in the year of the Tiger, "虎 寅 Tiger (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Unpredictable, rebellious, colorful, powerful, passionate, daring, impulsive, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous. Can be restless, reckless, impatient, quick-tempered, obstinate, selfish.".

Well folks, all the above practically sums up who I am, more or less, don't you agree?? ;)


Anonymous said...

Oopsie! Could it be that I forgot your birthday?? :O

Imm said...

Don't worry Alex.. You didn't forget my birthday, cos i've 4 more months to go before I get older by a year... anyway, this piece is just a random thoughts!! :P