Aug 17, 2007

Should I or Shouldn't I??

Start playing WoW that is..

I had stopped playing World of Warcraft since Feb when I went back home for Chinese New Year.. I decided not to extend my account as I will be back in Malaysia for almost 10 days, which meant that I had to miss playing for 1/3 of the 30 day subscription.. And when I got back from Malaysia, the mad rush for the relocations due to the scholarship started and there was just no time for me to think about other things, especially MMORPG! :p

When I came over, I had thought that my studies would be quite 'senang' (Malay word for easy), so I would definitely have time to resume my adventure in Azeroth.. Not to mention getting the upgrade (the Burning Crusade)! How wrong was I... The Japanese classes was 13 period a week and 1 period for my Masters course, which came out to more than 21 hours a week, not to mention the time needed to study/revise/practice on my own... :x The traveling to school takes about 1 hour, so everyday I spent 2 hours traveling between my dorm and the school. I know I shouldn't be complaining as 1-hour traveling time is consider 'near', according to Tokyo's standard.. :o

And now I think it's a very good time for me to start WoW again.. I know myself. Whenever I start on something new and exciting, a new hobby/game/drama/etc, I will be totally absorbed by it for at least 2 full weeks. I will do nothing else but that particular activities, except to do the minimal to avoid being a 'recluse' totally.. So what better time to shut myself in my room for the next 14 days and play WoW, if not during this summer holiday!! :p I know I should be doing more studying... but the temptation of doing things other than study is ssoooooo strong..

I spent about 2-3 hours everyday doing something related to Japanese language, ie reading, revising (past lessons) or listening.. I am trying to remember more Japanese vocabularies as I realized it is one of my key weaknesses, in additions to grammar.. the only thing I had a headstart (or sort of) is Kanji. :) Once I've seen it, i can write it, but pronouncing it correctly is another issue.. :p I have about 3 more months before my JLPT 2 exam. I wouldn't want to fail it, especially it cost more than 6000yen to register for it..

So it is a struggle between my mind (knowing that I need to study hard on my Jap) and my heart (wanting to enjoy fully the life of a student again)... Any good suggestions??

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