Aug 16, 2007

Coming over and going back...

Due to some bureaucratic issue (i.e. red-tape crap), Sis is not able to come over to Japan for a visit this summer... :(

I had planned out an itinerary for her visit, including all the touristy places like Tokyo Disneyland, Disney SeaWorld, Odaiba, Ueno Zoo, etc.. Aiy.. Was hoping for her company this summer to these places.. it's always more fun with her around.. :) Although I won't be able to pamper her much with my scholarship money, but at least it will be enough to cover the minimum.. Well, next year then, with a better mastery of Japanese, I should be able to guide/experience more..

Sis isn't coming over, but Bro is going back to Malaysia.. He took some annual leaves and will be back in Malaysia for about 10 days I think..

As for myself, I think I will only go back Malaysia next year, around Chinese New Year, since school ends around 5 Feb.. I didn't want to spend 90,000yen (about SGD1,200) for a short trip. It wasn't as if this is my first time away from home.. I've been living on my own for the past 12 years, so the part of missing home has long been 'gotten used to'..

Being away from home, one tend to learn a few things..

Firstly, tell/inform them of the good things, but hide/postpone telling the bad ones. (aka 报喜不报忧)

Especially true if one is sick. What good does it do for you to tell your family back home that you are sick? It would only make them worry even more, especially when they tend to think more on the bad/worse side. The best way is to get well as soon as possible and just mention it briefly in the next conversation/correspondence.. unless of course you wanna get some sympathy and/or some T.L.C. (tender loving care) from them.. Parents have been worrying about us even since we were born, so the only filial piety action to do, at least to me, is to not let them worry more by telling them how terrible you are/were feeling, how pitiful you are/were without someone to take care of you, etc.. Personally, I think you are responsible for your own well-being, regardless of whether you are staying with family or not, and more so, if you are staying alone.

Secondly, the 2 most important things while staying away and alone from one's family are HEALTH and FRIENDS.

Unless one has experienced it before, else there is no way someone who always has family members close-by to know the loneliness and pathetic-ness of being sick alone in the room/house. When you are so weak that you are unable to even get up, laying on the bed and looking out, the empty house, no one to cook/feed you not to mention to shower you with TLC, the pitiful-ness of the situation will make even the (emotionally) strongest shed tears.. So the way around this? Either be healthy and make sure such occasions will not happen or make some very good friends who will take care of you or get marry.. (I know which solution my parents would like me to choose.. :p) For me, to depend on someone is too risky. I would rather be in-charge of how I feel, I would make sure I don't get to that stage of sickness.. Sometimes, the occasional fever /flu/cough is welcomed, in fact, especially when one is overworked and is entitled to 30 days of medical leaves.. ;)


Like some wise men had said before, '靠山,山倒;靠人,人跑;靠自己,最好(牢)', which translated means, 'depend on the mountain, it collapses; depend on people, they leaves; depend on oneself, the best/most secured'. I am a true believer of this saying.. No one owes us to be there for us, not even our parents. We have ourselves to praise/blame for whatever situations that we found ourselves in.. If you feel lonely, then do something about it. Find a companion, get a hobby, do something but whining about it, day in day out.. I dislike those who kept whining about something and not do anything to remedy it.. To me, either you suck it up and take it or you resolve it!!

Okay, enough rambling for today.. Time to sleep.. :)

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