Oct 15, 2008

From 6 to 5

Just got the result of my karate promotion exams this evening.. I passed!! :) Am promoted from 6th to 5th kyu (level).. still green belt though..

Two weeks ago, I was tested on 2 kata (型 or 形, detailed patterns of movements), one is the basic of the basic: Tai-Sabaki no kata (体捌の型) and the other is a must for promoting from 6th to 5th kyu: Heian Sandan (平安三段).. The former was the first kata to be learned by all beginners but to execute it perfectly still needs lots of practices.. Although the latter kata was more intermediate but if compare to other more advance katas, this wasn't very long nor was it very complicated.. but still training only once a week for about 4 times before taking the exam was quite a stretch.. so I was very grateful that the Sensei passed me... :p

Looking back in the past 18 months, I had taken 4 promotion exams and had been promoted from 0 kyu (white belt) to 5th kyu (green belt) so far.. not too bad I must say.. :p :p :p but from here to my target of brown belt (at least 3rd kyu), I think it would not be as smooth sailing as it was the past months.. need to clear two more exams before I can reach brown belt.. hopefully I can do it before I graduate next September.. :) And if I were to work in Japan, I will try to continue this weekly karate practice and hopefully get to black belt... ;) cos I can really feel the improvement in my well-being.. haven't been so 元気 (healthy) and so flexible since my university days.. :)

The next promotion kata, from 5th kyu to the 4th, would be Chi-i no kata (地位の型) which is much much more difficult with lots of steps and turns.. I must admit that I am very "retarded" in the turning portions.. :( :x always mixing up between turning left or right and moving which leg.. :x :x :x So I think I need to really really put in a lot of effort in mastering this kata.. The possible exam date would most probably be in Dec, so not much time to learn.. gambarimasu!!

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