Oct 26, 2008

What's happening... IV

Seriously, what else is safe in this place?? Is there anything that we can eat without worrying about being poisoned? And everyone thought that the food safety in Japan is high... :x :o :x
Japanese meat company recalls tainted sausage, pizza
Cos the water supply was found to be toxic... :o :o
Bug repellent detected in 21 instant noodle products
Even the poor men's food is now in jeopardy.. :x :x

And that the health care quality here is good with news like these?!?!?!
Woman turned away by 7 hospitals dies 3 days after giving birth
And they wonder why they can't get the birthrate up.. :x :x

with diet fads like this one...
Japan Goes Bananas for a New Diet
Banana Diet "Recipe For Disaster" For Most
A serious case of "monkey see monkey do"... what new fads will they think of next??? Durian diet anyone??

And social issues that seems to have no end in sight...
Japanese parents hire matchmakers to marry off adult children
The reason? Cos these adult children are "parasites".. living off their old parents while not wanting to hold a permanent job.. :x :x
Pilot alcohol levels stalled more flights: ANA
Mmmm.. add this to the long list of reasons/excuses for flight delays... :x :x
Japan struggles with elderly crime wave
That's what I call grumpy old men/women...

And finally, this...
Japan slaughters dolphins
:o :o :o :o :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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