Aug 20, 2009

How/What/Which are you? (Part I)

Being an addict to Facebook, I couldn't help myself but to take all those quizzes found there.. Although they aren't really serious nor scientifically proven, they do served as a distraction (to me) and fun readings (to my friends). :p

Here are some of the results of those quizzes.. And my own thoughts/comments in brackets..

Which LOST character are you?

You are cunning and calculating. Some people would even call you a con artist. You're smart and get bored easily. You use your biting sense of humor to entertain yourself.
It's been hard for you to trust people throughout your life. You don't get close to anyone. You are a drifter. You don't have permanent ties, and you tend to "disappear" often. You are introverted and even a bit shy. You don't share the true you with many people.
As a result, no one really gets you. At your core, you are a sweet, passionate, and funny person. [95% accurate..except for the con artist part.. :p ]

Which Tim Burton Character Are You?
Edward Scissorhands.

You are very talented and artistic. Your character is very sensitive, even though people may think otherwise by your appearance. You begin to warm up to people after getting to know them for a while and often seem to be meeting new people in the neighborhood. [60% accurate... not too sure about the artistic portion.. nor the meeting new people part too..]

Which Death Eater are you?
The Dark Lord

Okay, so you're not a Death Eater, but in fact leader of the Death Eaters. You are an extremely powerful wizard and regard Harry Potter as your equal. Since you were a child you always perfected to operate alone, and you are in fact half blood, but a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. During your time at Hogwarts you were both a Prefect and later Head Boy and was where you learnt about Horcruxes. You changed your name from Tom Riddle to Lord Voldemort, feeling that Tom was too much of a common name. You were denied the position to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts and decided instead to try and take over the wizarding world. Well done, you are the most powerful Dark Wizard in the history of the wizarding world.. [Mmmmm.... Isit? Never knew I could be THAT evil... :p ]

Which Buffy Character Are You?
Willow Rosenberg

You are Willow! A loyal friend, you are always there to help those close to you when they are in need. You are incredibly intelligent and love to learn and master new things. You have a good sense of humor, and you find magic to be very intriguing. [90% accurate.. In the show, I actually liked her more than Buffy.. :) ]

What would you be in the Star Wars universe?
Bounty Hunter

Bounty hunters specialize in tracking down and apprehending criminals; sometimes with lethal force. You are fiercely independent, well-armed, and very dangerous. You have the ultimate freedom of taking the law into your own hands and with bounty hunters, the end usually justifies the means. Good. Bad. It doesn't really matter as long as you get paid.. [80% true.. I don't really care about being good nor evil.. as long as no one steps on my toes and I get paid.. :p ]

Which television series do you belong in?

Your life’s destiny is to save the world! You are original and at times can be a bit eccentric. You are not afraid to stand out in a crowd. You put others before yourself and you're not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. You are the type that sticks up for the underdog. Your generosity and kindness will take you far in life.. [50%... I admit that I AM eccentric.. :P but I don't think I put others before myself.. :x ]

Which Movie Villain Are You?
Hannibal Lecter

You are smart and calculated. People fear you even when you're in prison and well guarded ! [What more can I say?? I CAN be evil.. :p ]

Which Muppet are you?
Rowlf the Dog

You are calm and quiet, a laid back and easygoing person. Talented at whatever you put your mind to, you are never one to brag or boast about your skills. Your idea of a satisfying day would be to go to work, come home, read a book, have a couple of beers, take a walk and go to bed. No need for extravagance, you are happy with the simple things in life. Loyal and a good friend, you are understated but much appreciated by all. . [85%.. simplicity is the word.. ]

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