Aug 25, 2009

Not the same anymore.. (Update)

First and foremost, I need to say this.. I was very wrong to have directed all my negativity at my landlord.. I had misunderstood him and I would like to offer my sincere apologies... 本当に御免なさい!

Last evening around 7pm, I went down to the kitchen to get water.. Saw the landlord coming back on his bicycle.. just when I wanted to slip upstairs to my room silently, he called me and said that he wanted to talk to me for a while.. Then the new housemate came down, wanting to pay her rent and stuff.. so he said that he will talk to me once he is done with Stephanie..

About 20mins later, he knocked on my door and we went down to the kitchen for a talk.. and here was the summary of what he told me..

In the past week, he has had several disagreements with the "good friend", the fella who has been acting as the contact person, the pompous ass who made himself the landlord's spokesperson.. He was so angry and agitated that he fainted.. the quarrel had caused his blood vessels in his brain to burst, resulted in him losing almost all sight in his right eye.. He is going for a MRI scan tomorrow in a bigger hospital in Otsuka... but the doctors said that nothing can be done to save the eye, not even surgery as the cells around/in the eye were dead due to the blood being cut off..

He was angry at him as he was too "aggressive" and overstepping his role.. He said that he has been unhappy with him for some number of things for quite a while, and one of them is that he behaved as if he was the landlord instead of him, pushing him for things that he didn't wanna do..

He say he needs to watch his diet now as the chances of him having another such episode is more than 50%.. if that happens, he might not just lose his other eye, his life might be in danger too..

After hearing all these, I felt like such an assh**e.. The sense of guilt was enormous.. All these while, he too was annoyed at him.. he too had some issues with the things he did.. I had misunderstood him!!!

So from now on, I shall make amends for my "bad" attitude and be NICER to my landlord.. as he was but a "victim" of that bloody assh*** too..... Hopefully he has been declared as persona non grata in his house and I won't have to see his face ever again!!

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