Jun 2, 2008

Being part of the statistics

From the media (main stream or online), everyone seems to accept the fact that the security situation in Msia has been deteriorating.. everyone gripes about it.. we all seemed to know someone who knew someone who had been a victim of crime.. unfortunately last Sunday, my parents fell victim to the growing crime rate in Malaysia.. :@

When it was time for our weekly family conference call, my dad was not online. So we called our home's land-line phone instead. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary... Imagine our surprise when my mum picked up the phone and told us that our house was broken into!! :o :o And dad was at the police station at the moment making a police report!! All the three of us were shocked beyond words!! :o :o :o

Coming back from KL and reaching home around 9.30pm, my parents were shocked when they opened the main door and found that the house was ransacked!! After much hesitation, they decided to make a report so that there would be a record with the police. The police who came advised my dad to go to the police station personally to make a formal report and not to touch anything as they would need to come back to photograph the crime scene.. so my dad went to the police station leaving my mum alone in the house..

Thus there was nothing the three of us could do except to keep my mum company over the phone.. :( :( And since making a police report is well-known to take a long time, we decided to keep talking with my mum until my dad comes back.... Then I decided to call my dad over his hp to check on his status. Luckily as a decorated air force veteran, he was attended to immediately. So he has done with the report and was waiting for the chief inspector to go with him back to the house..

More than 45mins after our first call home, my dad was back at home with the police to take photos.. The lady chief inspector told my dad that there has been an increase in crime rate the past few months, everything from drug problems, house break-ins, vehicle thefts, snatch thefts, etc. Crime has been increasing and the lock-up/jail is over-crowded.. :x Even the local magistrate is having problem keeping up with the charges and proceedings.. The local policemen are all over-worked, underpaid and very demoralized.. with the rampant illegal immigrants problems and deteriorating economic situations, the crime rate would only go northward... :( :(

From the look of crime scene as described by my mum, there might be more than 1 person involved in the crime here.. They came in via one of the back windows and went out the back door, sawing through some locks.. All drawers were wrenched open and their contents thrown on the floor.. The thieves did not take any valuable things, except cash and jewelries..

Sigh.. This is the first time our house has been burglarized.. but luckily my parents weren't around when it happened.. Thus they were safe and unharmed... only cash and some jewelries were taken.. and going by the messiness of our house, I think the thieves had a hard time looking for money.. :P but still it was very unnerving to be hearing about such news and yet not being able to do anything to help.. :( :( :( There was a lot of knee-jerked reactions from the three of us, but none helpful to the situation at hand.. I think all of us felt very helpless and guilty for being away from them.. not to sound unfilial, but this is life.. since Msia is unable to offer a better fairer life to us, we had no choice but to go out to the world to find one for ourselves.. and for now, we are still looking and evaluating the pros and cons of living away from our parents.. by next July, my sis would be returning to Malaysia, hopefully things would be better then..

I really really do hope so..

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