Feb 22, 2010

Enter the Pisces..

A few days ago, the Sun enters Pisces.. in layman terms, it meant that the winter is coming into its final stage and we are in the last sign of the zodiac..

So far, my life have been affected tremendously by those who were born in this zodiac sign.. Even though there aren't that many of them among my family/relatives/friends, their influences on me are far-reaching and deeply entrenched.. I just can't seem to be able to escape from the "clutches" of these Pisces.. Some had shaped my personality/temperament and made me who I am today.. Some had caused me grieves and heartaches which I am still recovering from.. Some I can't seem to get/break away from.. Some I wanna get close to.. Some I just can't stand.. Some I misses intensely.. Some I detest greatly, while some I adore deeply..

Just like the two fishes representing Pisces, they manage to evoke deep conflicting emotions within me, all at the same time.. hope and despair.. euphoria and misery.. guilt and remorselessness.. Whether I like it or not, the imprints they made shall stay with me for the rest of my life..

Happy Birthday, Pisceans!

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