Feb 26, 2010

Tarot readings.. II

My last tarot reading were done in mid Oct last year, which was about 4 months ago. As tarot readings are usually "valid" for 3 months or so, it is now time for another set of readings. And I shall be using the same application as I did previously. Note that all pictures of tarot cards are from http://phpbb-tw.net/phpbb/thoth/ and there is no intention of infringing any copyright.

所有的塔罗图片都采自竹猫星球塔罗馆 (http://phpbb-tw.net/phpbb/thoth),本部落并无意侵犯版权。

求職運勢 進行占卜,結果為:
Pertaining your luck in: Job-hunting:

現狀 Current Situation: 女教皇 [High Priestess]

Your conditions are unique and extremely specialized. Even though you command high salary, there is limited business needs for it. Thus when looking for a job, you might require more written information and longer time.

問題 Problem : 教皇 [Hierophant]

You may have provided very detailed information about yourself but the hiring folks might not have the patience nor time to finish reading them. Furthermore, the company that you applied to are looking for the type of people who are more aggressive, which you do not belong.

建議 Suggestion: 命運之輪 [Wheel of Fortune]

Suggest that you showcase your backroom maneuvering and your excellent communication skills. Go for positions in sales, business development or positions that require frequent business trips.

單身運勢 進行占卜,結果為:
Pertaining your luck in : Relationships (for Singles)

現狀 Current Situation: 塔 [Tower]

You just got out of a previous relationship, or you just realised that the person that you are interested in has a side that you didn't know which came as a shock to you.

問題 Problem: 女教皇 [High Priestess]

You are very bad in expressing your feelings and gave an impression of unapproachability. Thus this lack of affinity has caused the pool of potential partners to shrink.

建議 Suggestion: 女皇 [Empress]

Suggest that you dress up more often, change your style and show more affection. As your cycle of friends expands, so does the chance for love.

財運 進行占卜,結果為:
Pertaining your luck in : Money Matters

現狀 Current Situation: 死亡 [Death]

Your source of money is shrinking and it is uncertain how long the income that you are getting now will sustain. The important thing is not your fortune but the means for you to make money is shrinking and might even dry up.

問題 Problem: 皇帝 [The Emperor]

You are too dependent on a single source of income and don't have multiple investment to minimize the risks. Your fixed expenditures are too high thus affecting all aspects of your life once that source of income is jeopardized.

建議 Suggestion: 賢者 [The Magician]

Actually you have a lot of potential for making money, but you are too conservative and dare not act rashly. If you start researching into investment and other part-time jobs, with your superb understanding, you would have more opportunity than others to make money.

人際運勢 進行占卜,結果為:
Pertaining your luck in : Human Relationships

現狀 Current Situation: 女皇 [Empress]

You are very willing to show care and concern for others, and have the patience to hear what people has to say. Coupled with a good clean look, you always have the trust of everyone. Thus many would gladly provide a helping hand whenever you need one.

問題 Problem: 倒吊人 [The Hanged Man]

Your attitude towards friendship is too nonchalant. You would even shun going out to socialize just because of it was raining or you wanted to sleep in.

建議 Suggestion: 星星 [Star]

Just be a friend who occasionally shares a hobby or common interest. You are too busy to be spending time managing close friendships.

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