Aug 7, 2013


According to the Chinese lunar calendar, today is the first day of the 7th month. It is also the first day of the Chinese ghost month, the day the gates of hell open and allow all whom were there to ‘visit’ the mortal world.

praying at temples.. a must for 7th month..
Whenever it's 7th month, my mum would remind us to come home early before it gets dark. Not pick up anything weird/interesting from the streets. Not to kick or disturb offerings (joss sticks, candles, fruits, etc) by the roadside. Not to kill insects that came into the house as they might be 'carrying' deceased relatives back to visit. Not to visit friends/relatives in the hospital. Not to move house. Not to get married/engaged. Not to go swimming by the sea/river/lake.

Although I’m not superstitious, I rather not ‘challenge’ these taboos. I never like to stay out late, I don’t have the habit of picking (up) or kicking things while walking. I’m staying in a relatively new urban housing estate, so chances of having insects in my room are pretty slim. I don’t have many friends in TW so probability of those I do know getting sick and me visiting them in the hospital is also very minute. I've already moved house a month ago. Definitely not getting married/engaged any time soon, maybe not ever. Lastly, I can’t swim so I won’t be going to places with large body of water.

Whether it’s ghost month or not, I think we should all be careful and mindful of our surrounding and of our safety. 

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