Aug 13, 2013


Life is unpredictable. Often just when you thought you had it figured out, Life throws you a curve ball. Shaking it and sometimes even turning your life upside down. Sometimes you can see it coming; sometimes you are just caught flatfooted.

cloud.. unpredictable shapes.. yet it is what you think it is..
No one asked to be retrenched. No one expects to get divorced. No one knew that they are going to be mugged, assaulted or have horrible things done to them. No one can foresee the (horrible/bad) accident that they are going to get into. Though we might not foresee these things, we can try to prevent or minimized all the above from happening. I am a realist, not a fatalist.

The fact that I’m in TW right now is one of the unpredictability of my life. If you were to tell me 20 years ago that I would be studying Computer Science in SG, I would have laughed. If you were to tell me 15 years ago that I would be leaving IT and do translation for a living, I wouldn’t have believed you. If you were to tell me 10 years ago that I would be getting a full scholarship from the Japanese government to do my Masters in Tokyo, I would have called you crazy. If you were to tell me 5 years ago that I would be in Taiwan doing my PhD, I would have taken it as a joke.

Thus I’ve learned to take the unpredictability of life into stride. I’ve known better than to say ‘never’. I’m open to whatever that may come my way. Stay/leave TW? Go back to MY/SG/JP? Go to another ‘new’ country? Frankly, I don’t really have that many thoughts. I will try to shape the future to ‘fit’ my dreams, but I am flexible enough to accommodate and adapt to whatever surprises Life may have in store.

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