Dec 15, 2008

Important little facts...

Contrary to my earlier postings of trivia, these sets of trivia facts are important to know.. from here we can see how we have been treating our planet.. And the damage/conservation that we can do in our own little way...

Recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to watch T.V for 3 hours!
One gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately one million gallons of fresh water!
By recycling just one glass bottle, the amount of energy that is being saved is enough to light a 100 watt bulb for four hours.
One highly efficient, energy saving light bulb saves, over its lifetime, 524 pounds of coal or almost half a barrel of oil.
An aluminum can takes about 90 days to return to the shelf after being recycled.
If every U.S. household replaced 4 incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, the same energy would be saved as removing 7 million cars from the road.
One tree can filter up to 60 pounds of pollutants from the air each year.
A plot of land in Amazonia the size of a suburban lawn supports 300 species of trees.
The algae of the world's oceans produce nearly 50% of the world's oxygen.
Recycled glass uses only 2/3 the energy needed to manufacture glass from scratch. That means for every soft drink bottle you recycle, you save enough energy to run a television set for an hour and a half.
Recycling aluminum cans saves 95 percent of the energy used to make aluminum cans from virgin ore.
The energy saved each year by steel recycling is equal to the electrical power used by 18 million homes each year - or enough energy to last Los Angeles residents for eight years.
The U.S. is 5% of the world's population but uses 25% of its natural resources.
Rain forests have taken thousands of years to form but every second a portion the size of a football field is destroyed.
It takes around 450 years for a plastic bottle to degrade. Recycle paper and for every tonne of paper you save 17 trees.
Every ton of recycled office paper saves 380 gallons of oil. 50 million tons of paper are consumed annually by Americans, more than 850 million trees being cut down.
Batteries produce 50 times less energy than it takes to make them!
A dripping tap can waste 13 litres of water a day.
Turning your thermostat down by just 1oC can cut 10% off your fuel bill.
Aviation generates nearly as much carbon dioxide in one year as the total population of Africa.
To create just 1 kilogram of consumer goods, manufacturers create 5 kilograms of waste.
Recycling creates 6 times as many jobs as land filling.

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