Feb 17, 2009

What the.. ??!!


The things that had happened the time I am back in Malaysia would shamed even the most creative playwright!!

First the hopping back and forth of a "frog".. then 3 other became turncoats, with one becoming the most hated in the one community.. their action forced the changing of a state government (lawful or otherwise).. the decision of a royalty which had infuriated (almost) everyone.. a statement by an old-timer that had triggered a bunch of nincompoops to protest outside his house and spilled brainless hogwash.. two person who claimed their legitimacy to the top job, with one suing to get it back.. then a death and a resignation (because of his own undoing) that had forced two by-elections.. Now this??!! => Some low-life (possibly a ex) circulating "nude" photos of a lady MP.. and the lady MP is considering quiting??!!

In the mean time, (almost) the whole government is busy trying to hold onto power with so many elections and by-elections in the coming months.. with "frogs" abound, and loads of money to throw at anyone and everyone to "jump", is there any sense of integrity left in these MPs?? By the way, is there anyone looking out for the citizens?? We don't want those politician-cum-ministers to appear on TV to tell the people "not to worry" without giving us any indications on how exactly are they going to ensure that??!! Who is formulating plans and strategies to ensure the country is going to ride out this financial turmoil with the minimal "hardship" and maximal "revival chances"?

How can I NOT feel disillusioned?!?!

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