Aug 12, 2011

foreign over local..

A Malaysian friend who is currently working in Singapore posted a very telling article.. You can read it here.. Frankly, I am appalled by this, yet not entirely surprised..

The Lion City has changed.. A GREAT LOT these last few years.. the influx of "FT" (aka "foreign talents" or some would say "fake talents") has changed the fabric of the society there.. some of these newcomers, especially from the Middle Kingdom and Bharat, are not integrating into the local communities.. they seemed reluctant to be a part of a multi-cultural society, opting to bring their 'homeland' with them and refusing to mix with the locals..

The above incident showed clearly how things are turning out over there.. local Singaporeans are fed up with these "FTs".. Singaporeans love to have Msians, Indonesians and other SEA-ians taking up citizenship in their country because we know how to integrate and be part of the society..  We know how to give and take, be tolerant and be respectful to one another.. we know how to live harmoniously in a country where everyone is different, in one way or another.. we blend in because we understand that we are GUESTS...

It is just ludicrous for the authority to 'order' the Indian family to NOT cook curry in their OWN house when their neighbor (from PRC) is at home.. so what's next?? Ban eating durian in your own house?? Ban sambal belacan?? Ban satay?? Ban any food that "smells" from your OWN house because the smell 'offends' your neighbors??

Food is one of the things that makes Singapore and Malaysia unique.. take that away and you'll stripped away one of the MOST important unifier and identifier.. Seriously, no Singaporeans or Malaysians would complain when they get a whiff of curry being cooked by their neighbors.. heck, we couldn't be happier if they are generous enough to share some with us like in the good old days!!!

These "FTs" might have the cash and/or talent, but frankly, most of them lack CLASS..  Unfortunately, one can't seemed to ignore their presence while in Singapore as they seemed to be EVERYWHERE!! And to put it bluntly, their presence somehow cheapens this beautiful Garden City for me.. Cash might buy them nice houses or expensive cars, but it doesn't get them RESPECT!

Most of these "FTs" who came to Singapore aren't creme de la creme from their countries but 2nd or 3rd "rated" ones... The best would have gone to the US, Japan, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.. And it is a known fact that many of them are using Singapore as a stepping stone to migrate to other countries. A Singapore passport can and will open up more doors compared to their original citizenship.

These "FTs" should be thankful for the opportunities that they are given, but most of the time they don't.. Their misplaced sense of "entitlement" in their host/adoptive country is both puzzling and worrying...

Lastly, I would like to share parts of a message, attributed to a few Australian PMs (past and present), which has proven to be a hoax but no less reverberating and meaningful in this era of globalized migration..
'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'
I think it conveys clearly what all locals want to say to the "newcomers" in their country, be they the new citizens or migrant workers.

So if that PRC family can't stand the curry smell, they can either
1. air-conditioned their entire house.
2. move next to a PRC family.
3. move to a landed-property.
4. move to another country without curry.
5. go back to their "home" country...
cos no one forced them to come to Singapore...

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