Mar 21, 2009

Kinda expected..

My results from last semester, that is..

Took 3 advanced subjects for my Masters, and 6 Japanese language classes, on top of my semester research.. Those Masters subjects were, frankly, fairly easy.. Since I am quite good is BS-ing, there was no doubt that I would get at least an A. It was just a matter of whether it would be an "A+" or just plain "A". You can call me arrogant, but truth be told, it was pretty easy to score high marks.. Unless one doesn't hand it his/her assignments or wrote nonsense, else one would get a decent result.. and frankly, with the level of English among the students and maybe even with some of the Professors leave to be much desired, one would be hard-pressed to NOT score high marks in these assignment/report-based subjects..

The same cannot be said of my Japanese classes.. ever since I have decided NOT to stay in Japan to look for work, my motivation to learn Japanese plummeted.. much like the financial indexes around the world right now.. and strangely, these two coincided.. :p I skipped many classes for 2 of the Japanese subjects, while struggling with another 2.. the other 2 were still manageable..

So below is the summary of my results:

Masters subject:
Intelligent Communication Systems - A+
Media Industrial Organization and Policy - A+
Knowledge Management III - A

Japanese subject:
Reading Level 4 - F
Oral Expression Level 4 - B
Grammar Level 5E - C
Grammar Level 5F - C
Written Expression Level 4 - A
Honorific and Politeness Level 3 - A

So all in all, I have only one B for all my Masters subjects, including three theme researches for the past 3 semesters. The rest were either "A" (7 of them) or "A+" (12 of them). :) :) :)

In this coming semester, which is my last, I would have one last theme research left to do, meaning I only need to attend my theme research (TR) Professor's weekly/biweekly/monthly seminar.. But in accordance to the tradition here (:x), (unfortunately) I still need to attend my own Professor's weekly seminar.. So in a sense, I only need to go to school only twice a week, assuming the TR Professor's seminar is going to be held weekly.. This would leave me with plenty of time to do the sight-seeing and traveling that I would want to do before I graduate in less than 5 month's time.. :) :) :p :p :p

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