Mar 11, 2009

Memorable Quotes.. XII

Being a fan of Sex and the City, here are some of the more "insightful" quotes from the show.. :)

"Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you're pretty sexy and you're taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with."

"Soul Mate; two little words, one big concept; a belief that someone somewhere is holding the key to your heart, and your dream house. All you have to do is find them - so, where is this person? And if you do love someone, and it didn't work out, does that mean they weren't your soul mate? Were they just a runner up contestant on this game show called "Happily ever after"?
And as you move from age box to age box, and the contestants get fewer and fewer are your chances of finding your soul mate less and less?
Soul Mate: reality...or torture device?"

"No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends."

"But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."

"And then I realized I do have faith. Faith in myself. Faith that I would one day meet someone who would be sure that I was the one."

"It's hard to find people who will love you no matter what."

"Why do we get stuck with old maid and spinster and men get to be bachelors and playboys?"

"In the end I decided I was definitely 34 going on 35, but in a city like New York, with its pace and its pressures, sometimes it's important to have a 13-year-old moment. To remember a simpler time when the best thing in life was just hanging out, listening to records and having fun with your friends. In your very own apartment."

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