Apr 28, 2009

Been busy

Been rather busy lately.. more with non-school work, and a tiny bit of school work... :)

Frankly, I have been pretty busy cooking and eating.. and searching for recipes online.. been cooking almost everyday.. at least once a day :) It is fun cooking cos there are ready "mouths" to feed.. :p And I am proud to say that none of my "concoctions" ended disastrously, so far..

On the school front, I am rather busy too.. Now that I had a talk with my Theme Research Professor, I have a new topic for my final report which I have to do lots of research on, since the new research area is not something that I am very familiar with.. this means that I need to read LOTS of journals and papers so as to be able to write a concrete, practical and presentable final report.. My reputation is at stake here... and add to that, my supervisor (as usual) has delegated lots of tasks to us for his own eGov research.. don't plan to spend more effort than is required here...

Also, I have registered for the JLPT Level 1 exam this July.. I know that I will definitely flunk that test, but I just wanna have a feel of it and know exactly where I stand.. (which is pretty low, I think, considering the time I have been "ignoring" Japanese :p ) So I need to find time to study Japanese too... :x

Of course, my aim of touring and traveling around is not taking a back seat either.. so there are thousand and one things that I wanna do, sometimes I have no mood (for my research and my Prof's tasks) or just not enough time (cooking and touring) to do them.. :p

But I must say, I am having a great time now.. the best so far during my stay in Japan to date.. :) :) :) :) :)

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