Sep 29, 2009

What timing..

Just when I have decided to keep this blog going, I received this email today..
Telling me that their free photo service is not free at all, and since I didn't use any of their other PAID services for the past two years, my account will be deleted on 30 Sept..

Well, talk about timing.. Just when I am bidding farewell to the life I had (for 2.5 years) in Japan, this termination of photo service came.. as if it was reminding me to move on with Life and stop looking back.. And also, it just proved to me, yet again, that nothing IS forever, much less something that is free..

As I refused to pay the USD19.99 annual fee, those photos that I have uploaded so far onto that website shall be history in two days time.. Thinking of subscribing (aka pay $$$ ) to Flickr.. or maybe I just make use of the photo function in Facebook..

Mmmmm... another possible "project" that I can do while being jobless in Malaysia.. sorting, labeling and uploading my photos..

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